Check run time of hard disks


Oct 6, 2011
How do I see the total run time for each hard disk in my server? I downloaded crystaldisk info and ran a scan but it only reports one disk, my main C drive hard drive. I have three other HDDs in a RAID 5 (controlled by a PERC H700 raid card) and they do not show up so I cannot scan them.

How do I scan them and find out detailed information about them? I specifically want to know if the disks have been run for a long time before I bought them. Thank you.

It says "S.M.A.R.T not supported". Any other thoughts?
Yes, the 3 hard drives I want to check are in a RAID 5 using my PERC H700 raid card. I can pull up the settings for the main boot disk (which is in a raid 0 by itself through the RAID card) but not the others. I tried using another program (speedfan) but it looks like the same thing, it will only show me my single disk and an external drive.