Chernobyl 25 years on

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From the link:

Ukraine is marking a grim anniversary - it was 25 years ago Tuesday when a deadly explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the former Soviet state led to the worst nuclear disaster in history.

The commemoration began in the middle of the night in Kiyv when Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill struck a bell at the exact moment of the Chernobyl blast on April 26, 1986.

Patriarch Kirill and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych also are remembering the victims with prayer and a candle-lighting ceremony. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will join them later at Chernobyl.

There are tons of good video stories on the net about the Chernobyl nuclear accident.

Here is a good start:

My thoughts go out to all the people and their children effected by this accident.


I am with you, brudda. Same for the fine folks in Japan and their unfortunate future.
I was recently informed that there is an international scale for nuclear accidents. The scale goes from 1 - 7 with Chernobyl being a 7. The ongoing issue in Japan has just been upgraded from a 5 on the scale to a 7 as well. I wish them luck in getting the disaster under control.
Watched some of the video footage.

Those thousands of liquidators were real heroes ... the Russian Government should also list the names of the 600 helicopter pilots who dropped lead and boron onto the top of the reactor ... they all died.

The minors who dug the hole under the reactor ... 25% of them are now dead and I would say so are 25% of the liquidators ... there were something like a hundred thouasand of them.

31 listed as officially dead as a direct result ... a farce.

It would be right and honorable to list all of the people who worked there to cleanup the mess ... if the russian President made a decree to do so it would be a very positive step for these people's families.

History whould mark all of these people as special ... they made life much safer for all of us as a result of their actions.


What About Metro2033 Video Game you don't want another Chernobly Problem after playing the game Stalker based on chernobyl! Thats More Dangerous 2033-2058 than 1986-2011! Thats Would be more devasting in terms of Tech? Where are those Crysis Maximum Armor suits coming out of?
You Need to go back in time in TimeShift2007 and save StalinGrad & Moscow in 1938
and see if you can send in some Metal Gear Rex's or to knock out those unhitable walking tanks from Starwars that looks Toy'R'Us Metal Gears! Need More MGIV Gun of the patriots Involved and Ever expanding WereWolf Technologies & Metal gear IV Mantis technologies More Economical!
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