Cherry MX Blue Switches Without the Noise

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Jan 28, 2012
Do they make cherry mx blues without the annoying sound? I recently visited my local computer shop and I loved the feel of the blues vs the browns. The clicky tactile feel is amazing but the sound is annoying. I'm wondering if they have some sort of mod that dampens the sound.

the major difference between browns and blues:
-blues require a little more force to activate
-blues have tactile with click, browns have tactile without click

what you are describing is mx browns even though you stated you did not like them.

rubber dampers can help a bit but will not get rid of the clicking sound. on the wasd website look under support and there is a video showing o-ring dampers being installed and not installed and the sound levels they produce. keep in mind that this will affect the feel of the keyboard as well.

See I love the clicky feeling of the blues but without the sound. When I tried the browns I couldn't tell if I was pressing the key and there was no feedback. I'm also confused as to what o rings do. Are o rings and rubber dampeners different? Could you also link me to the video.

Browns feel similar to Blues but with no audible click on the actuation point. On my Brown keyboard, noise is only made when the key bottoms out, which is what o-rings/rubber dampeners prevent from happening.
Are you sure you werent trying a Red or Black keyboard which you thought was Brown? I am typing this on Browns and can clearly feel the actuation point.
the tactile bump is not as pronounced on the browns. i've heard that some people do not even feel the bump on browns while others do.

dampers are the o-rings

blue vs brown mechanisms edit: threw in red for comparision also


the extra moving piece in the blues generates the clicking noise. it also accounts for the different feel between browns and blues. honestly i like the feel of blues better myself.

if you look at the spring on the left you can see the tactile bump on the browns compared with no tactile bump on the reds. its not going to be as pronounced as the blues due to the design though. the blues have a part which literally drops


Yeah I was looking at buying the gigabyte avia osium keyboard and they told me it was the brown version. The brown version has white leds instead of blue leds. Well this is really confusing me, I think I'll go back and test them out again.
I love the MX blues bump as well. I bought a broken mx brown board to feel it and I swear I can only sense the bump if i close my eyes, focus on it, and press it slowly.

Cherry MX Clears are supposed to be stiffer and cause more bump feedback, but seems much more rare in manufactured keyboards and more a DIY mod.
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