This is where the state-sponsored hacking groups come in to steal all of the data on how Samsung did it, then they'll subsidize everything and drive everyone out of business.
We should just have a blanket 50-100% tax on every Chinese company at this point to offset the R&D costs they skipped over.
And who will pay for it ? The US end user. In China ? No tax. In the rest of the world ? Nothing either.
This is a protectionist measure, and like most of them, will soon be counterproductive.
All it shows is that China can produce the latest DDR tech 100% domestically. Is it more expensive ? Yes. Does it keep that spent money inside the country ? That too. Does it allow forms of subsides ? Definitely.
Is it illegal ? Well, Boeing still exists because of this, so... Yes.
Does it allow cost effective R&D ? Sure does ! But note, unlike the USSR that stole R&D piecemeal and copied it without making sure it actually worked (Concordski) , the Chinese actually do excellent work at reverse engineering stuff, copying it properly and selling equivalent if not better stuff than the original for cheaper.
This is a form of 'innovation' that Edison revelled in, Bill Gates built his empire on, Steve Jobs was better than Bill at, and Musk is trying his bestest best at making the only legal way of innovating so pot, this is kettle.