Typical western wishful thinking -- you guys need to get over yourselves.
Population numbers from 2023 (
EU = 448,922,216
US = 339,996,563
Even if we toss Japan in as a western friendly nation:
JP = 123,294,513
You don't even add up to a full 1 billion out of 8.1 billion people on the planet but for sure you are the loudest and most obnoxious, always sticking your noses (and fingers!) in other countries' business. Combined, you're like ~12%, can you fathom how insignificant is that?
Without US, EU, and Japan combined, China still has 7,187,716,708 people whom they can offer to sell their goods.
And please, don't start with "but western population has more money" -- China has never relied on selling expensive stuff, but on quantity. Trust me, they will be just fine without you.