News Chinese researchers develop method to revive lithium batteries that significantly extends their lifespan

Wow, this is very practical for the electric car industry, not so much for laptops and cell phones, I wouldn't want them venting gasses into my house..
Wow, this is very practical for the electric car industry, not so much for laptops and cell phones, I wouldn't want them venting gasses into my house..
Have any PTFE pans? Plastic cooking utensils? Anything plastic in your house? They all release gasses and in the case of teflon you actually ingest stuff i put on my bike chain to lube it.

Just in case you thought that keeping your windows closed might keep the pollution out, i am going to have to disappoint you. It wont.
Wow, this is very practical for the electric car industry, not so much for laptops and cell phones, I wouldn't want them venting gasses into my house..
Depends on the chemistry of the specific gasses and their rate of release. Most manufactured items you buy already release gasses (so-called effluent) into your immediate environment. Not just electronics, but even furniture, carpets, flooring, shower curtains, etc.

You can quite easily smell this, when you open a box containing a new graphics card or motherboard, for instance. Heh, I still remember the smell of my NES gaming console, as it was my first electronics purchase and I never previously had that experience.

Anyway, the specifics matter. If someone trustworthy deemed it safe (the EU is pretty reliable, on these matters), I'd be okay with it.
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Fudan at least has new rebuilds of Pet Sematery where instead of 'soured' pet souls they get revived batteries that do voltage brownout sidechannel attacks.
If at all possible, this technique might only be implementable in grid storage batteries. Meaning not even cars would get these. Likely only huge single cell batteries could benefit.
This tech only addresses Lithium ion loss. There are many more processes that degrade batteries (dendrites and such). A combination of technologies would be needed to address the others.