My math says it'd be a spot of 79.8 meters,
That's a router on the ground, surrounded by a 40-meter radius. And I said
better than 0.25 degrees. X-band PA radar has been reported to be able to distinguish individual birds at a range of several dozen miles.
At 8ghz rather than Wifi's 2.4/5, but even UHF 300mhz radar can better a quarter-degree.
Furthermore, you miss the point. This spycraft doesn't need to transmit to
every router it crosses over; just the occasional one: connect, download its stored data, and move on. Most of its time was spent over military bases in remote areas of Alaska and Montana; are you honestly suggesting it can't find a reasonably isolated router now and then in those areas?
Overseas internet communication [can be monitored sans warrant]. So, whatever the balloon would be using terrestrial ISPs to reach could be monitored at the point of the overseas links.
Again you miss the point. What China is trying to hide isn't the information itself (US intel already knows what our bases look like), but the simple fact that there's an object in the sky above them transmitting. If they encrypt, transmit to any domestic source, then access that source internationally, monitoring at that point tells you nothing. Using steganography, US Intel may not even realize encrypted data is being transmitted at all. Some account in China accesses a bunch of innocuous photos on a US Facebook page, with data buried in each. What does that tell you?
The point was there wouldn't be a directional antenna at the ground.
But it's the balloon side where the directional antenna is most important: there, it not only increases signal strength, but it also reduces crosstalk. On the ground, a directional antenna merely increases signal strength, which can be compensated on the other end by a larger antenna and more sensitive receiver.
This will be my last post, as the point is made. If Joe Plumber can with a day's wages setup a 15km WiFi connection, the Chinese military can certainly span 18km. In fact, I'd give odds they can reach 10 or 20 times that.