News Chinese university designed world's first silicon-free 2D GAAFET transistor — new bismuth-based tech is both the fastest and lowest-power transisto...

China would love bismuth to be the thign used as they have most of it on planet (and not by a small amount they have liek 12x the 2nd place)

Would be great boon for their economy to see its value go up.

I know likely wont happen in my lifetime but I do eagerly await the transition from silicon as will be interesting swap.
China is not cut off from anything. They already have developed a superior alternative to ASML's EUV tech that the many would be interested in. ASML's approach to EUV is ridiculously complex. Sure, it'll take time to come online, but all the West's sanctions have done is spurred China into spending hundreds of billions on their own semiconductor tech. Eventually they'll be self-sufficient and West will have lost an enormous market.
The article said:
This is a key point we should not overlook. The recipe for building a successful chip industry is fairly straight forward, and it sits on a foundation of well-funded research. You cannot do that without public funding, because chip fabs have a hard enough time investing on a time horizon of 5 years or less, but the technology pipeline is much longer than that and starts with fundamental science.

CHIPS is more of a medium-term investment. For the long term, what we need is to keep up funding for basic and applied research at universities.
I am more keen on spintronics and ferroelectric related technologies as it seems that they could be better both for lower power digital computing and neuromorphic computing which are two important drivers nowadays and in the upcoming future…
Yes. And I just created the worlds first and only working prototype of a Molecular Grid Splitting device.

The best part is that, because every major science and educational community is under my strict rules and constant watch. So if anyone were to claim otherwise, they will simply be made to “disappear.”

Stop promoting their garbage.

Have you seen these mega building projects they come up with? Brand new buildings and the concrete is crumbling. High rises as far as the eye can see…. With no one living in them.

Get real big kid
Eventually they'll be self-sufficient and West will have lost an enormous market.
Very difficult.
Just being able to make high end electronics isn't worth much if you don't have anything to actually produce.
They will need intel amd nvidia and so on to produce anything of any worth.
If they just make arm or risc-v on these it will make them money but it will not provide the chinese people with the technology they want.

Also we get this kind of story every now and then and until now nothing has ever come of any of it.
No they don't, they just can't find the key combo to put it in correctly.
The point of dispute isn't how the scientist's name is spelled, but whether that's the correct way to spell the unit of measure named after him. To that point, the first paragraph of the article cited by @DougMC is:

"The angstrom (/ˈæŋstrəm/; ANG-strəm) is a unit of length equal to 10−10 m; that is, one ten-billionth of a metre, a hundred-millionth of a centimetre, 0.1 nanometre, or 100 picometres. The unit is named after the Swedish physicist Anders Jonas Ångström (1814–1874).[7] It was originally spelled with Swedish letters, as Ångström and later as ångström (/ˈɒŋstrəm/). The latter spelling is still listed in some dictionaries, but is now rare in English texts. Some popular US dictionaries list only the spelling angstrom."
Doug probably should've added another sentence to his post, but this is clearly what he meant.

we get this kind of story every now and then and until now nothing has ever come of any of it.
Stories about this sort of basic research tell us what's coming in the 5-10 year time frame. Many of these advancements do make it into lithography currently used to build products we all use, but you're just not directly aware of it.

In this case, it also suggests China is moving into the cutting edge of semiconductor research.
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