Chip Industry Not Ready for U.S. Conflict Minerals Law

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Aug 29, 2011
These morons should be creating electronics from superior synthetic materials that can be made in abundance (which was doable for a long time). The amount of patenting superior synthetic materials, means of production and usage in electronics (which in turn would create orders of magnitude more advanced technology) dating back decades is very large - and yet, we don't really use them.
Oh wait... that's right... we have an economy based on artificially induced scarcity and monetary gain/profit.
Producing abundance is a big 'no' for the industry (and since we already do, most of it will be destroyed to create artificially induced scarcity - which is done with food for example).



Nov 16, 2008
who ever submit the information or adhere to this "law" is an IDIOT. US is trying to acquire this knowledge, but say it as a law of same kind. seemed like industrial spies activities to me, if you will... but renamed/manipulated...

anyone see this?


Aug 30, 2010
china doesn't comply. goes buys the minerals then sells it back to the US companies 10x more ;) conflict free.

but wow $24 trillion dollar worth of minerals!

twisted politiks

Dec 3, 2008
[citation][nom]toxteth[/nom]A simple search would easily explain...[/citation]

A simple search for IHS returns a lot of different information, none of which stands out as to what "IHS" this article is talking about.

[citation][nom]Achoo22[/nom]This article fails for never explaining what an IHS is.[/citation]

They are talking about a company who deals with information.


May 14, 2010
[citation][nom]deksman[/nom]These morons should be creating electronics from superior synthetic materials that can be made in abundance (which was doable for a long time). The amount of patenting superior synthetic materials, means of production and usage in electronics (which in turn would create orders of magnitude more advanced technology) dating back decades is very large - and yet, we don't really use them.Why?Oh wait... that's right... we have an economy based on artificially induced scarcity and monetary gain/profit.Producing abundance is a big 'no' for the industry (and since we already do, most of it will be destroyed to create artificially induced scarcity - which is done with food for example).[/citation]

Yes, the Illuminati is covering up alchemy now.

The last I checked, you can't make matter from nothing. Synthetic materials are still created from real materials. If everyone switched to synthetic materials, the prices of those materials would just rise. Value is a determination set by humans. How rare are the Congo's materials if they have 24 trillion dollars worth? Value is brought on by demand.


Nov 12, 2010
[citation][nom]lmlim[/nom]who ever submit the information or adhere to this "law" is an IDIOT. US is trying to acquire this knowledge, but say it as a law of same kind. seemed like industrial spies activities to me, if you will... but renamed/manipulated...anyone see this?[/citation]
Your schizophrenia is showing. You might want to see a doctor about that, or at least get back on your meds.


Nov 12, 2010
[citation][nom]A Bad Day[/nom]Good luck determining which are conflict and non-conflict minerals. Some bribery is all it takes to get the preferred ID.[/citation]
This is indeed a very serious problem, similar to conflict diamonds. The entire continent of Africa is rife with corruption, and such a profitable industry has no problem paying bribes to all the right people. Tracking down the real source of goods coming out of Africa is nearly impossible. Policing conflict minerals and diamonds comes down to years of hard detective work unraveling the supply chain the major players use.

The only real solution to this problem that I see is to bring Africa (yes, the entire continent) out of poverty. If there weren't so many millions of extremely impoverished people, they wouldn't be so willing to do whatever it takes to feed themselves and their family. Warlords wouldn't have such an easy time setting up and kidnapping people to work the mines. The governments would be better able to protect their people.

As long as Africa is poor, we will have these abuses. All we can do until the problem is actually solved is stick our proverbial fingers in the dike to try to stem the tide a bit.


Aug 26, 2011
This isn't anything spectacularly new. This law already exists for diamonds (a company selling diamonds has to report where they got them from). This was done to stem the tide of violence over diamond mining in Sierra-Leone. Are there still those who try to get around it? Of course. But it was a start, and did have an effect over time. This regulation on conflict minerals is important and should be strongly enforced.


Jul 22, 2006
Why does Africa continue to be poor? And who should "bring Africa (yes, the entire continent) out of poverty?"

Are they a country/continenent of 8 and 9 year olds? Why won't they get their 'crap' together and create a state of laws and justice? Who should do that for them? Don't just sit there and talk about eradicating poverty in a country whose people are so base, violent and ignorant, that they'd cut you down if you did indeed try to help them. It's too sad frankly, but it's probably best to let the chips fall where they may, until someone from among them can offer some visionary leadership.

No doubt, global politics is a nasty affair, with a lot of cloak and dagger stuff, and outright violence, but Africa is anything but poor, just base and ignorant. They must lift themselves out of that and take their place among the rest of the civilized world, or ... suffer at the hands of whomever.


Jan 8, 2012
[citation][nom]deksman[/nom]These morons should be creating electronics from superior synthetic materials that can be made in abundance (which was doable for a long time). The amount of patenting superior synthetic materials, means of production and usage in electronics (which in turn would create orders of magnitude more advanced technology) dating back decades is very large - and yet, we don't really use them.Why?Oh wait... that's right... we have an economy based on artificially induced scarcity and monetary gain/profit.Producing abundance is a big 'no' for the industry (and since we already do, most of it will be destroyed to create artificially induced scarcity - which is done with food for example).[/citation]

Quick, grab your "conflict free" tin foil hat!
[citation][nom]kinggraves[/nom]Yes, the Illuminati is covering up alchemy now.The last I checked, you can't make matter from nothing. Synthetic materials are still created from real materials. If everyone switched to synthetic materials, the prices of those materials would just rise. Value is a determination set by humans. How rare are the Congo's materials if they have 24 trillion dollars worth? Value is brought on by demand.[/citation]I see you've failed at basic economics. Value is established by supply and demand.


Aug 29, 2011
[citation][nom]freeman94[/nom]Quick, grab your "conflict free" tin foil hat![/citation]

The only reason you have 'conflicts' is due to this ridiculous socio-economic system we continue to perpetuate out of ignorance.
We could have solved 95% of worlds issues a century ago - we had (and still do) the technology and resources to do so.
There is no conspiracy here.
You don't need one in a system where common interests converge (they do so on a daily basis within Capitalism) - so, its pure business.


Aug 26, 2011
[citation][nom]deksman[/nom]The only reason you have 'conflicts' is due to this ridiculous socio-economic system we continue to perpetuate out of ignorance.We could have solved 95% of worlds issues a century ago - we had (and still do) the technology and resources to do so.There is no conspiracy here.You don't need one in a system where common interests converge (they do so on a daily basis within Capitalism) - so, its pure business.[/citation]

On the contrary, the issues will continue to persist because there simply isn't a means of achieving cohesion. The various religions are going to always clash because there will always be extremists. And our resources are diminishing, which is why you have conflicts. Despite all the extraneous justifications, most conflicts are based on first resources and second ideology. You will eventually run low on resources, reaching conflicts, and everyone has an ideology of their own. No one likes having another person's ideology override their own, and it happens enough you get conflict. You can mitigate the effects, you can do things like this law that will help diminish the frequency with which these events happen, but the utopian ideal of conflict diminished to near zero is the illusion of TV and movies. It's great as a goal, but I wouldn't blame the socio-economic system for something that has always been going on.


Mar 10, 2010
[citation][nom]juiceman[/nom]Why does Africa continue to be poor? And who should "bring Africa (yes, the entire continent) out of poverty?" Are they a country/continenent of 8 and 9 year olds? Why won't they get their 'crap' together and create a state of laws and justice? Who should do that for them? Don't just sit there and talk about eradicating poverty in a country whose people are so base, violent and ignorant, that they'd cut you down if you did indeed try to help them. It's too sad frankly, but it's probably best to let the chips fall where they may, until someone from among them can offer some visionary leadership.No doubt, global politics is a nasty affair, with a lot of cloak and dagger stuff, and outright violence, but Africa is anything but poor, just base and ignorant. They must lift themselves out of that and take their place among the rest of the civilized world, or ... suffer at the hands of whomever.[/citation]
You know that will never happen. Such things would lead to conflicts that would be stamped out by the "world police" before anything meaningful arises from it. They could really use someone to go about conquering the African continent, for better or worse.
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