Bah... more BS about Piracy... Piracy is basically FREE ADVERTISING for the gaming industry. Some small, obscure game dev gets his game eaten up in the beginnings and it seems like all hell is going to break lose, but in reality he's started his own little fan-base and pretty soon future release teams are going to be lead by this guy/gal etc... It's been proven that piracy has increased sales through massive and rapid exposure. Do people not google anything anymore?
Yeah piracy is "illegal," but how is bait'n switching with false advertising any more "moral" or "ethical?" They show you the BEST scenes, BEST frame rates, with the most optimal hardware and in a very controlled setting. Why? To ENTICE you to drop a big buck, only to beat the game in meager hours of play and then you're left with a drink coaster. Many of these games are 1 play wonders and thus garbage. WE risk full financial expenditure for what? The same situation killed the music store... once people finally got what they wanted (aside from just FREE EVERYTHING etc.) CHOICE! "Hrmm wtf am I paying increasing prices for this CD, which has maybe 3 hot tracks out of 15?!" No f'ing way am I going to fund someone's hot new pearlescent orange Lamborghini on dubs, while they f'ing mock me as they are too busy to sign an autograph blah blah, neither do I care to make the RIAA/MPAA (marketing agencies) execs RICH from bilking hard "working" (performing) artists for pennies on the dollar? Bah if I'm going to drop cash for a game and or artist, then WTF don't the ARTIST/Devs, who make the damn game get paid the LOIN'S share? Bah this rant is futile... |-|8erz!