chk dsk for seagate 2TB ended in memory size miscaculation..


Mar 22, 2014
Hi guys,
I recently bought a Seagate "Expansion" hard disk USB 3.0 hdd 2TB 2.5" Portable.
While hooked to my laptop who shut down unexpectedly, the HDD got errors and i needed to run CHKDSK on it. Which was fine and took care of the problem, yet created another:
My HDD has about 260GB of used space, no files in the recycle bin and a few kb in hidde files.
And yet it is full to the brim and would not accept large files pasted into it.
I checked and double checked..

Regretfully, i have to other HDD to back up my files so i would like to know if you know how to solve this..


Hi and thanks for answering.
My HDD shows i have very little memory left.
I had lots of room before chkdsk and after only a few gigs.
The HDD is exFAT.
Plus- i recall when chkdsk was completed a windwos (7) popup announced that it put the erroneus files in a special folder. can't remember it's name..

exFAT is an extremely unstable file system. Make sure you always eject the disk on the computer before you unplug (something you can get away with if it's NTFS), to avoid this in the future. The only adantage of exFAT is cross compatability with both Apple and PC.

I recommend that you copy all the files off of it, reformat to NTFS, and copy the files back onto it. Unless you need exFAT for some reason.

I don't see the point..
What does the 4G threshold got to do with my case?
Everything worked out fine with exFAT before the chkdsk execution..



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