Choice of microstutter or less performance


Nov 2, 2013
Hi, I currently need help with choosing the correct GPU for myself and I want to hear of your opinion.
I can choose between

2 770's (4GB each)
1 780Ti ( 3GB)

I can get both the same cards for the same price. The pair of 770's are about (20%) faster than the 780Ti on most games and almost all the benchmarks. Nvidia claims to have fixed the microstuttering with the newer drivers. Is that true?

Typo corrected by Jeffreyson
you mean GPU? (sorry to be a dick) I would undoubtedly go for the 780 ti. Most games now days do fine with SLI but not all. SLI is less power efficient and causes alot of heat. Also if you ever want to stream your games to twitch a single GPU setup is much much better. And finally to be completely honest the only thing you would need either one of these for is to play at 4K. A 770 will max out and game at up to 1920X1200 res with great framerate.