Choosing a Gpu

Hello there, Ive choses my build but i cant make up my mind with the gpu, I plan on playing at 1080p, I have i5 2400, h77 ds3h, 8gb 1600mhz ram, hx620w corsair psu, 1.5tb seagate barracuda 7200rpm hdd.

I was looking at the r9 280x, hd 7970, r9 280, or perhaps something else with betther performance/price?
I'd recommend the 380, it's a nice card and can beat the others. The price is close enough that it's probably worth the little extra for the performance increase.
I mean old is gold when it comes to graphics cards but if you want to future proof your system for a couple of years the r9 series would do you great, i mean i run a 270X 4GB and it runs everything on ultra really well. It's really preference based and whatever you want to use you can decide on. Go on youtube and watch some videos, just dont rush your decision, try to look for a card that will suit you.
If your budget is $300 then this you can get this GPU for $310 one of the best 970 configs on the market. I currently have it and it runs everything on ultra at 90-120fps on most games. Hell i can even play Warthunder on movie settings at 90-120fps and fallout 4 at 60-80fps in a big city, 90-100fps outdoors and 120fps indoors. The only thing limiting my framerate is my 120Hz monitor.
Of the cards you have listed the 280X is the fastest followed closely by the 7970. The 280X is in fact a slightly underclocked 7970ghz edition, which put the 280X between the 7970 and the 7970ghz edition for performance. The 280 is a rebranded and slightly overclocked 7950.

Not knowing the prices where you are or your budget, you might look at the R9 380, which in some programs, can beat the 280X.

Up to you, but with all setting set to Extreme, at 1080p, I've had Starcraft 2 take around 2.5gb VRAM and that game is from 2010.

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