Choosing a monitor, Eizo 23" FS2333-BK or BenQ 24" XL2420T


Aug 19, 2013

As the title says, I am going to buy myself a monitor in the near future. As of now I have narrowed it down to mainly two monitors.

BenQ 24" 3D LED XL2420T (
Eizo 23" LCD Foris FS2333-BK (

As you might understand from my two options, color is an important factor of choice. The monitor will also be used for gaming and that to is an important factor. So my problem here is to find that sweet spot between the best gaming experience and the best visual experience. So my question to you, what should I choose? What is your advice, why, why not? Do you personally have any experience with any of the monitors? What do you think will give the best experience overall? If you have a better option please share it :)

And does anyone know how big the difference is between IPS and Led in color? I have a HTC One X as a reference for an IPS screen,

Thanks in advance for you help :) Martin
Id buy this.

This 27" PLS Monitor. o it is same level as IPS. (maybe better)
Vheap.Bigger. If your video card can handle 2560 1440 resolution. This is best buy.

You can OC this to 90-120Hz.


That doesn't seem to bad. But the input lag seem to be "high" and after what I've read that does matter. Do you have a view on the input lag subject? I will be using it for so FPS games but not any serious stuff.
I've got a Qnix, input lag is near enough non existent since it takes the input straight to the panel, most monitors have a pass through for multiple inputs and upscaling/downscaling the image. Downside is you cant use it on a console.

It's as fast as a VG278H I had when its at 96Hz, but its more blurry in motion due to the longer pixel response time.

Ok. Is it easily noticed, the blur? And is it distracting when you play games, watch movies and things that happends fast?

I will be coming from a laptop bad everything screen so I will probably not have any issues with that. The only thing I care that much about is that I get a good color reproducution. The reason I am asking is because I don't want to by a monitor that I will be dissatisfied with after a couple of months or a year. After doing some more research I will probably go for a 2560x1440 or higher display. It seems to fit my needs the most. I am also getting a kepler based graphics card so I would like to get a G-Sync screen when that enters the market. After what I've read and heard that does a lot with the apperance.

I recently bought an eizo fs2333 I highly recommend it .its picture quality and response rate are a gaming monitor its a worthwhile upgrade. you just need to make sure you calibrate it using eizos easy pix app for brightness and hue.