Choosing a mouse

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Deleted member 1210213

After a few weeks of looking around, I finally came down to 3 mice:

Deathadder 2013 : £47.99

Logitech G400s : £33.30

And the Logitech G400 : £45.70

So, after reading a bit, I found that the G400s would be the best for me (palm grip) , but then after looking at the specifications on Logitech's website, it mentions some stuff about acceleration:

Resolution: 200 - 4000 dots per inch (dpi)
Image processing: 5.8 megapixels/second
Max. acceleration**: 25G
Max. speed: up to 70-140 inches (4.06 meters)/second* ' @

Does the max acceleration bit mean that the mouse has hardware accel?

And which mouse should I buy (if there is another good one that I haven't mentioned please suggest it too)?
My budget is £50

I use my mouse primarily for fps gaming

Sorry if i sound stupid, I don't know very much about mice
I think you should buy the mouse that would be most comfortable for you. Since you say your grip is best suited for the G400s, I would probably suggest that. I don't know what max acceleration is, someone else would probably know. But I suggest just getting one you're comfortable with.
All 3 would be great for palm grip, I'm just curious about the accel and the Delta Zero technology, because on the G400 non S page it mentions nothing about those 2, also, does the deathadder track better ?
I never owned a razer product, so I can't tell you my opinons about them. I've only had logitech mice. And every logitech mouse I've had worked. That's really all i can say. But both Razer and Logitech should have good tracking.
Pick a logitech g500. You can prob find one for around 45 euro. I did so as well. Mouse is comfortable as Fuck. Laser is quick as hell and you got 3 thumb buttons and also 2 for changing dpi. But ofc you can change evrything with the software. Also added weights are included . I mean this mouse is heaven. I use it with a steelseries 4hd mouspad.