Choosing AMD card for mining


Sep 19, 2013
hello guys,
I need your advice on this one..
I have ASUS P5KC, with PSU coolermaster 450W real power, 4 GB of Gskull of 1333 DDR3, 1 HDD 500GB, and Im looking for a AMD graphic card for coin mining, bitcoin, ftc, ltc or so. Can you tell me what is the most proffitable 1 card that I can run with this configuration just for mining, this PC will be set up to work 24/7 just for mining. I want to get the most of this configuration.
Thanks in advice guys, you are the best proffesionals on the internet!

Actually, the R9 290 is the most efficient at LTC.

Radeon HD 7950 gets around 600Khash/sec @ 300W = 2.00KHash/Watt
Radeon R9 290 gets around 900KHash/sec @ 330W = 2.73KHash/Watt
Radeon R9 290X gets around 1000KHash/sec @ 360W = 2.71KHash/Watt

Although, I would recommend a better power supply if a 290 is used. Along with aftermarket cooling for it.
in my country they are out of stock of 7950, 290 and 290x ... they are having ASUS EAH6950 DCII/2DI4S/1GD5, ASUS R9270X-DC2T-2GD5 or something similar, but today I was looking for 7950 and now I need some other option.. 🙁 any other choise? 7850?
There is a global shortage of AMD cards. Everyone is buying up the high end cards for mining, thus raising the difficulty to a point where a single card would take several months of mining to even pay for itself and the electricity it uses.

The cards you listed won't be profitable mining LTC at current prices for a long, long time when you factor in cost of power.

Purchase a better power supply right now and wait for the other cards to come in stock. That 450W Cooler Master won't last with a 7950 under mining loads for very long, let alone anything that draws even more power. If you don't replace that power supply, it could kill all the hardware connected to it when it decides to fail.

Where did you get those numbers??? The 7950 is MUCH more efficient then that when mining. Tom's here even did a review with multiple cards, and it drew <200W,3207-9.html

I cannot purchase a new power supply because Ive just bought it, thank you for your advice about the 7950, but can you tell me what should I buy for my configuration.. 6950? or R9 270X or HD 7870 ??