choosing between drr3 corsair 2666mhz and Panram 3000mhz


Nov 7, 2014
which is better brand , timing etc.

i can get both of them for 82-83$ each on my local 2nd webboard .so i'm choosing one and need some suggestion.

i'm currently using corsair vengeane 1600mhz [high profile design] with XMP enable in bios , and i want one with XMP compatible and can enabled it on bios (i've tried kingston hyper x fury1866 i cant enable XMP but not sure if it run at 1866 . )

1.Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR3/2666 8G(4Gbx2)

2. PANRAM Light Sword DDR3 8G (4*2) Bus 3000 (blue LED)
-seller said brand-new from claim (last one is red led , got blue one from claim.)

Corsair is good brand in my country but Panram i just heard about it (maybe import maybe new coming here i idk. ) and yet LED with no LED and 2666 vs 3000mhz plus low/high-profile

8GB ram
GTX Strix 960oc
kingston hyper x 3k 240GB
1TB blue +1TB barracuda

i'm hoping to gain more performance with Fallout4 and few other title which is rely on memory speed / reduce bottleneck.

thank you you all.
yup , at first i'm believed that memory speed isn't help and stick to 1600mhz years ago ,until few weeks ago
(because of rare case game like FO4 which i played over hundred hours and will be more)

it make me think that memory speed somehow improve performance in few games (there's few title other than FO4 though, improved but not significant like this) especial in lowest fps gain.

here's the link

about upgrade GPU , i've already tried with MSI GTX970 , games like witcher3 , battlefield , wolfenstein(little better) is better
but tested with fallout 4 with all medium setting (this game has no low setting on most on selection) fps still dip to 35-40 fps.
it's a luck that i can resold it with 5$ less. 3 weeks ago.

anyway thanks for suggestion for PanRam i'll avoid them in the future. (i trust Corsair than Kingston now a day)


yes that's what i thought with 970 too ,but
i'm not sure how much it increase my fps since i cap it at 60fps with Rivatuner
(vsync is off ,its make mouse look feel funny and lag i'm gladly trade zero-lag it with screen-tearing).

anyway but when 970 fps dip ,it dip to around 35-40fps. like 960 and this is normal(for most) graphic setting. for me its no point to increase max fps but the lowest that i needed lol.