If using the psu shroud there's little point in adding a fan to the bottom. Airflow is going to hit the shroud a couple inches above it and do nothing for case airflow completely obstructed like that. I'd suggest trying a couple phanteks 140mm fans in the top before buying all 4 fans. I didn't have a good experience with mine, the stock fan worked great vertically mounted as a rear exhaust. Smooth, lots of airflow, quiet. Turned it horizontal as a top exhaust, it hummed and vibrated something fierce, I don't think the style of bearing it uses is up to the task of a horizontal fan. I ended up getting a couple noctua redux 140mm for the top and they run completely smooth oriented that way, no vibrations at all.
The front 200mm is alright, eventually I'll probably replace mine with a couple 140mm fans. It's fairly quiet but the amount of air it moves is kind of lackluster in my opinion. Even with the center hdd cage removed I can barely feel air movement from it. The static pressure is pretty weak at 1.04 mm/h2o which is somewhat to be expected. As fan diameters increase their static pressure drops unless rpm's are turned up significantly. Compared to the rear fan that came stock which runs 1.3 mm/h2o, 30% more static pressure.
The 200mm stock intake is rated to move 110cfm (realistically it will be less due to the front intake filter and metal grill restricting airflow which is why static pressure is important, higher sp overcomes obstructions to keep overall airflow higher). 2x 140mm like the stock exhaust, they're rated to 82cfm each. Having 2 in the front as intakes would mean intake airflow at 164cfm vs 110cfm.
This is the stock 140mm that comes with the case.
They also have led versions, pwm versions etc. The stock fan is 3pin, not pwm so it may depend on how you plan to control it or if you plan to try and control rpm's.
From my personal experience using a larger air cooler similar to the tc14pe is that a single 140mm top fan set as exhaust would likely be plenty for the top. I added 2 to balance the look a bit but honestly the 2nd fan doesn't add much to cooling performance. If you decide to use the top fans as intakes then leave the mesh filter in place. If using them as exhaust I'd suggest removing the top mesh filter. Beneath the metal grill on top is a piece of cloth screen similar to the front filter and it's between the metal grill and plastic supports of the case lid. To remove the cloth mesh you'll have to pop the case top panel off, turn it over, gently bend the metal tabs so the grill pops off then remove the mesh screen. Put the metal grill back on and gently bend the tabs back down and pop the cover back on. Be careful with it, the plastic of the case scratches easy so try to put it on a towel or something when working on it.