Choosing Graphics card need some help


Nov 6, 2017
Hello I would like to buy a new graphics card but im not sure where to start I don't want to waste money on something that wont improve my system or worse buy something my computer can handle. I can list some of the specs if anyone could help that would be great intel core i5-4690k CPU @ 3.5GHz 8gb ram 1920 x1080 monitor i have a corsair cx 600 power supply and i am currently using a GeForce GTX 750 i bought the new AC game and it pretty much laughed at me when i tried to play it lol.
Your cpu is very powerful but limited to your monitor, for 60 Hz 1080p monitor (I assume), 1060 6gb is good enough. If you will upgrade to 1440p 60Hz monitor, GTX 1070 will be needed for ultra setting, GTX 1080 for 1440p 144 Hz monitor, 1080ti for 4k.
A GTX 750, even a 750 Ti, is slow for today's games. Really slow. Meanwhile, the game you named is one of the newest most demanding games. Lucky for you that your CPU is still good enough for gaming.

So, yeah, a new videocard is all you need. For 1080p 60hz, a 1060 6gb would be ideal. AMD's cards are good too, it's just that prices aren't that great these days. In a pinch, a 3gb 1060 would work as well. I would not advise you to get a 1050 Ti, since I think that's a bit low for what you want.
Thanks again for the advice guys really helpful I didn't know what I was doing when I was choosing my computer so I suffered with a bad graphics card but atleast now I know .. ive taken your advice and I think I will buy this one ASUS GeForce DUAL-GTX1060--O6G 6 GB Graphics Card - Silver just need to make sure it fits in my case but I think it will be fine. look forward to playing the new AC game.. after paying 60 euros for a game and then having it not load was rather frustrating.