Choosing the best power supply for ATI RADEON 280X 3gb


Oct 3, 2012
Hi guys, I hope you have a great day today.

I want to buy a vga card and a psu, so, could you please help me to choose the optimal psu for my pc. This is my pc spec:
- Motherboard ECS A75F-A
- Memory 8 Gb
- HDD 500 GB
- 1 DVD RW
- VGA ati radeon 280X 3gb (my plan)

Best Regards
About your PSU I not familiar with this brand, but most liekly OEM crap.
You will need better PSU * if you do not want risk damaging PC by PSU failure.
Take one from Tier 1,2 or even tier 3
I find on this site
Seasonic M12II-520 (very good PSU) in promo probably take him if prce is not to high for you.

CPU cooler is ok.
You CPU after OC match r9 270 or GTX 960 * AMD GPU to work required more CPU power * DX 11 is design to use one thread for draw call from GPU , and AMD GPU required more draw calls compared to Nvidia.
On Nvidia GPU you will be have more FPS.
Check this your CPU after OC probably Match performance of Phenom II X4 965...

Thanks For the solutions.
The R7 270, is it strong enough to play game like gta V?
And, so, if i OC my CPU it can match the R9 280X, right?

Simbadda DR-8460BTX max 450 W
i'm from Indonesia, about $300 USD
same as your provided link A8-3850
Cooler Master Hyper TX3 EVO CPU Cooler 92mm

Thank You
About your PSU I not familiar with this brand, but most liekly OEM crap.
You will need better PSU * if you do not want risk damaging PC by PSU failure.
Take one from Tier 1,2 or even tier 3
I find on this site
Seasonic M12II-520 (very good PSU) in promo probably take him if prce is not to high for you.

CPU cooler is ok.
You CPU after OC match r9 270 or GTX 960 * AMD GPU to work required more CPU power * DX 11 is design to use one thread for draw call from GPU , and AMD GPU required more draw calls compared to Nvidia.
On Nvidia GPU you will be have more FPS.
Check this your CPU after OC probably Match performance of Phenom II X4 965 *without off OC
This are Very high details setting on lower you will have better FPS.
Nvidia GPU

Look also for GTX 760 if you can grab him cheaper take him

Thanks for your solution pals...
I really apreciated it