Hi, I'm here to ask for some opinions on my next card upgrade. I am currently using an older radeon 7770 as a temporary card since my good card died. I run dual monitors in 1080 at 60 fps and play games like: Dota, LOL, WOW, EVE. All of which are not too extreme on the graphical side of things however it's important to me to be able to play these with ultra settings and without any FPS fluctuations.
Seccondly I need the card to be able to handle me playing with screen capture running for production and editing videos. So the card has two jobs to handle. Dual monitors with 1080/60 at ultra and screen capture at those settings. And second job to edit and render video which can then later be used for my channel.
So far I am more keen on trying the Nvidia shadowplay as I haven't used it before ad it sounds promising.
The cards I have so far got my eye on are GTX 960 (EVGA GeForce GTX 960 SSC ACX 2.0+ 2GB)
or GTX 970 ( EVGA GeForce GTX 970 FTW+ ACX 2.0+ 4GB)
I am currently on a budget and the 970 is slightly outside of the budget zone which is why I'm looking at the 960. But if the 960 doesn't cut the cheese then I will sit back and save up for a while longer and get what is needed.
Perhaps a different card all together? What's your thoughts?
Seccondly I need the card to be able to handle me playing with screen capture running for production and editing videos. So the card has two jobs to handle. Dual monitors with 1080/60 at ultra and screen capture at those settings. And second job to edit and render video which can then later be used for my channel.
So far I am more keen on trying the Nvidia shadowplay as I haven't used it before ad it sounds promising.
The cards I have so far got my eye on are GTX 960 (EVGA GeForce GTX 960 SSC ACX 2.0+ 2GB)
or GTX 970 ( EVGA GeForce GTX 970 FTW+ ACX 2.0+ 4GB)
I am currently on a budget and the 970 is slightly outside of the budget zone which is why I'm looking at the 960. But if the 960 doesn't cut the cheese then I will sit back and save up for a while longer and get what is needed.
Perhaps a different card all together? What's your thoughts?