Question Choosing which GPU to upgrade too!??


May 16, 2012
Hi all :)

Looking at upgrading my gfx card within a month or so from now, I am looking into the following 3 cards...

RTX Super 2060 8GB GDDR6
Radeon RX 5700 8GB GDDR6
Radeon RX 5700 XT 8GB GDDR6

I'm looking for the best performance for my buck, between £340-400 I currently run a GTX 1080, I game at 1440p (144hz) mostly a mix of high and ultra settings.

I been looking at some early benchmarks the rx 5700xt looks impressive for the price almost matching close to rtx 2070 performance wise, the 2070 is out of my price range and I don't really care for the ray tracing effects because of too much fps loss!!

Here is a run down of my specs, abit worried my cpu could "bottleneck" one of these cards...

Ryzen 1500x @3.6Ghz
Asus b350 plus mobo
16gb DDR4 @2800mhz
Evga 750 GQ
Windows 10 64bit
if u play a game with DXR enabled only for once u will never be able to go back with the old shadow rendering. i dont have RTX card but i used ray tracing in metro exodus however it was unplayble just wanted to see how it works. now i regret why i didnt buy the 2060 it was just 50 bucks more. but DXR is definitely worth the money even on the lowest level it makes a HUGE difference.
if u play a game with DXR enabled only for once u will never be able to go back with the old shadow rendering. i dont have RTX card but i used ray tracing in metro exodus however it was unplayble just wanted to see how it works. now i regret why i didnt buy the 2060 it was just 50 bucks more. but DXR is definitely worth the money even on the lowest level it makes a HUGE difference.
I agree it's awesome but not everyone wants to pay that premium which is fine.
Thanks for the fast replies guys 👍 If I stick with the 1080 for abit longer would a ryzen 2600 or 2700 be a good enough upgrade from my 1500x ? I was hoping for ryzen 3000 to be compatible on my b350 but I've heard confusing reports some say yes and some say no it won't be compatible :/ I do have latest bios installed for my mobo, I have also tried ray tracing on my 1080 in metro exodus and I was impressed in how it looked but could not get anywhere near 60fps even at 1080p lol I prefer to game at my native resolution of 1440p so with the super rtx 2060 I don't think it's possible at 1440p with ray tracing to get 60fps tbh
I prefer to game at my native resolution of 1440p so with the super rtx 2060 I don't think it's possible at 1440p with ray tracing to get 60fps tbh
With a 2060, I don't think you would be able to reliably maintain 60fps even at 1080p with raytracing enabled. : P Maybe with next year's cards...

If you already own a GTX 1080, I wouldn't bother upgrading to any of these cards. In terms of average performance, the 2060 would essentially be a side-grade, offering roughly similar performance in most games, and trading 2GB of VRAM for raytracing effects offering mediocre performance in a handful of games. With the 5700 or 2060 Super, you might get around 10% more performance, and with the 5700 XT, maybe an additional 10% or so. Your card should still be quite capable for 1440p, so again, you are probably better off waiting to see what next year's cards have to offer.
Thanks for all the replies, I've finally decided to upgrade just my CPU to a ryzen 3600, going to keep the 1080 for abit longer, thinking I will wait for 2nd gen rtx cards or the next wave of navi cards next year.
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