Question Choppy at 60 FPS

Jun 20, 2021
First off, the specs of my 1 week-old PC:

OS: W10 (updated)
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor 3.60 GHz
Ram 16 G
GC: Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 (latest drivers)
Display: A cheap 50" 1080p TV

Up until yesterday I was getting a solid 60 fps for my games, on ultra settings (my limit, as I'm using a TV not a monitor), but after trying to install a head tracker (DELANCLiP with PS3 camera, specifically for playing American Truck Simulaor - of which the results were disasterous) my games now have a slight choppiness to them. I instructed Steam to display my FR while running games, and even though it hovers consistently around 56 - 59, there is definately a regular 'stop, start, stop, start' rythym to the scrolling (passing scenery, AI traffic, etc). It's barely noticable, but enough to make it annoying. I'd say the 'stop' comes every quater of a second and lasts about the same.

Obviously, installing the head tracker also involved installing a couple of pieces of software (OpenTrack and CL-Eye Test), which I've now uninstalled, but the choppiness remains.

Can anyone suggest anything to get my performance back to how it was before I installed DELANCLiP?

Thanks in advance.
Jun 20, 2021

Well, it's hard to say if anything's improved. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm imaging something that's always been there. That said, there must have been something that I noticed in the first place to prompt all this.

Anyway, it's no worse than it was.

However, I have noticed that when I close a game now, my screen goes blue for a split second, as though a display or resolution setting is changing between game and desktop.
Jun 20, 2021
If you are utilizing a cheap TV it may or may not be utilizing V sync. I am not exactly sure what the threshold for V sync is to drop down to other capable settings if it can't make target...

Do you have any other monitor to test on?
Not a gaming monitor. Just an old generic widescren monitor, but it is a monitor and not a TV.
And you have the latest driver from the NVIDIA website installed?

Can you run userbenchmark and share the public link to the results.
Yes, latest drivers, because I re-installed them after using that uninstaller you linked to.

I assume you want the GPU results? Here's the link:

As a point of interest, when it was counting down to my results, showing the spokes and hundreds of different coloured particles whizzing about, it was saying I was getting 7 FPS ??
Jun 20, 2021
Well, I'm utterly mystified. I decided to give American Truck Simulator another run before I went to bed. I opened the graphics settings and decided to change my scaling back to 400% (I'd reduced it to 200 to try and alliviate the stutter) and the game ran as smooth as butter!

Is it feasible that games may run better once a PC has 'warmed up' a little?