Choppy Music Playback on Specific Files, Corruption?


Sep 1, 2016
Recently I bought a new hard disk drive to replace my old one, and as such transferred all my data from the old one, to the new one.
However, some files now have corrupted album covers as well as choppy playback.
There weren't any interruptions of any kind when transferring data, and as far as I can tell, it only affects a few albums, that I thankfully still own as CDs, so it is not a major loss.

However, just for peace of mind, I wanted to know if something like this could happen when transferring large amounts of data from one drive to another, or if it's a manufacturing problem with my new harddisk.

Thank you for your time.
I'd be more inclined to suspect the source hard drive (your old drive) than the brand new one, especially if you hadn't given it a diagnostic health check recently.
Hey there, Fred.

I'm with @Phillip on this one. It's quite possible for the files to have been corrupted while they were on your old drive, especially if you had no issues transferring them (what I mean is that it's most likely not due to the transfer process). Anyway, just to be on the safe side, you could download the HDD manufacturer's diagnostic tool and test the drive for errors or at least check its SMART data for anything unusual.

Hope that helps.