Christian National Anthemn?

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The head of a Christian schools group has defended the practice of having students sing an additional religious verse to the national anthem.

It has been reported that students at at least two private schools in Perth sing the extra verse.

Christian Schools Australia chief executive Stephen O'Doherty told the ABC there is nothing wrong with singing an additional verse.

"What sort of nation is it if somebody wants to stop young kids from singing that they want to be servants of their nation; they want to build community on the strong foundations of their belief in God?"

But Warren Pearson, chief executive of the National Australia Day Council, says changing the words should not be encouraged because students are no longer singing the national anthem.

"I think it's wonderful that young people in Christian schools, in all different schools, sing the national anthem," he said.

"And in some schools they might go and sing the Christian verse, that's fine, but at that point they are singing the verse from Advance Australia Fair; technically they're no longer singing the national anthem."

Makes you wonder how this can ever end up being in the news headlines.

So silly when you think about it.

The age of politcal correctness is dawning.
If this happened here in the States, the outcry on both sides of the argument would be loud and angry. That being said, it would also ring falsely with the whole "melting pot" argument for how America was founded and the American right to religious freedom. I am sure Australia recognizes these arguments as well.

Still, since this is being done in private schools and so long as no one objects to other versions being sung (as in any possible Aboriginal or Muslim renditions, as examples), then I say sing away.
Well the debate is quite stupid.

It's like saying "I shouldn't be able to hear Jesus/God at church", because these schools are Christian private schools.

What else would you expect?

As for the adding God part, our national anthemn as been parodied many times, once about KFC.

That was amusing.

I hear you. Sometimes, it is just better to laugh at these controversies. Otherwise, one just stays angry and tends to get indigestion.
My kids go to a private Uniting Church school here in Perth and I checked that they sing the National Anthem correctly.

If the school tried to change things I'd be down there quick smart and demand the Principal was replaced ... after I rang the Moderator for the Church.

Religion has no place in this regard.

Let me put it this way ... how would the school like me to demand they change one of their prayers to make it sound a bit cooler?

Its is the National Anthem ... the only alternative is "Waltzing Matilda" ... or possibly Nazareth's "May the Sunshine" ... lol.

Never sing the national anthem in school around there.
different cultures, I suppose ...
The idea that a kid has to sing "La Marseillaise" before entering the classroom is far from being rooted in the national thought.
Sing something about a God would be .... inappropriate and unwelcome.
I guess singing what theyre singing is appreciated by the majority, and if someone didnt like it, theres other schools, public or private.
No one should go out and threaten them, or forcefully make them change, as its private.
If someone does, send their kids to a ACLU acredited school, so theyre happy
Political correctness is dawning?!?! Heck, America has been living full force in the hell that is political correctness since the 1990's. Political correctness has literally changed the way most Americans speak!

My unsolicited advice, just drink the kool-aid and buy into the lie that by labeling people and things so they do not offend anyone's sensibilities is the best way to bring people together.

Get ready for the Aborigine to be called "Native Australians", if the Thought Police haven't told you that already.
chunky ... I am sending you a free hug coupon.

Here the "native Australians" or Aboriginal people are called "indigenous" people.

Yes we have polite terms and so we should.

Until we can cross breed everyone with everyone else and all of you have a nice tan like I do ... so lets work on that.

The best way to bring people together is with a case of beer and a barbeque. Cheer up chunky. :bounce:
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