Hi everyone, I recently got an email about this new Samsung curved monitor for only $330 on Amazon. So I thought I would get it for my brother since I can't think of any other good stuff to get, he plays games for a few hours a day, I was thinking to get him the Xbox One, but he doesn't want it. But anyways, this is Samsung's first curved monitor, so I thought it would be nice to get something unique. I would get him an UHD monitor, but he's not into that kind of heavy stuff like me, so I think a curved display would be nice, even I have never experienced a curved display before. I have the Panasonic AX800 right now just for gaming. Plus I don't want to put too much stress onto his computer like I did and would have to upgrade to the extreme like I did. But what I would like to know is if 16.7 million colors is the max amount of colors a normal HD display, that's what it says on the Samsung website. I guess that's normal, I suppose it just didn't meet my expectations because I'm used to billions of colors. But then again, it isn't for me, and he doesn't want me to get a very expensive display either, so I thought this new display would be a nice present for Christmas. So if you guys can tell me what you think about this present, it will be much appreciated, any advantages or disadvantages you can tell me about it would be nice. Thanks again.