Discussion Chrome or Safari?

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unplanned bacon

Jan 11, 2014
I don't know if this type of thread is allowed, so forgive me if it's not (and please let me know mods 😀)

I'm trying to pick between Chrome and Safari. Back in the day Safari was awful, but now it's pretty good. Chrome for me, since I tried it, was my go to. I switched my default from Safari to Chrome almost as soon as I got my Mac. I've used Safari sporadically and have changed my default back to Safari

- Both are fast. Safari feeling snappier on good internet. Chrome is more consistent though
- Safari is very clean, but Chrome is more colourful and I think renders pages so they look better
- Adblock doesn't work properly in Safari, but does in Chrome
- Safari uses almost no battery, Chrome uses tonnes.
- Safari can switch extensions off to power save (I don't know how to tell it to turn Flash off when a video is not playing though)
- Safari's tab view is better (the two finger pinch one)
- Chrome supports favicon which I like, Safari desperately needs these
- YouTube doesn't start playing until the tab it's in is open in Safari, Chrome will play regardless which I prefer
- Chrome supports themes which I like, Safari desperately needs these

I'd like to give Safari a shot as I can see there's a good browser, but I always end up back at Chrome

What happened to the poll option? I can't find it

EDIT: I forgot, suggested websites! This is a great feature, I don't think it's ever gotten it wrong. I'm not sure if Chrome does it too, but in Safari I noticed it whereas Chrome, if it's there, is kind of just there if you see what I'm saying
I also like how in Safari you can fullscreen a video and (depending on site) it will create a new space for the video and you can continue browsing in other tabs
Polls are created when you make the thread also you can specify under what type of problem it is in the threads like computer/hardware/software etc. The option should be their still.

My opinion. Chrome, it is a bit more of a resource hog, but generally for me anyway more reliable/faster/accesible. Plus i like the way it's set up. Again it's a personal opinion, and it seems you prefer safari go with that. Also considering you're using apple equipment i'd imagine that safari is more "optimized" for that kind of setup.

I always end up back at Chrome, possibly because when I was in school Chrome was THE browser taking over from Firefox and I've used it ever since, plus I have an Android. All my web browsing devices (except PS4 and 360) use Chrome so my browsing can continue from anywhere). Back then Safari was garbage, but now, like I said it's good and I want to try it and use it more, but I end up back in Chrome again (Chrome I feel renders pages so they look better, is more colourful and the favicon support really helps because I have loads of tabs at any one time, but it destroys battery). As for Firefox, that's never worked properly on here.

Unless I was blind, I couldn't find the poll option anywhere

EDIT: Maybe it was an extension like Ghostery or something preventing it showing
http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/id-2526525/make-poll.html Yeah wow i'm shocked i guess they did take it out. Quoting an admin.

Only mods can do it now?

^That would be the process. However, at the moment, poll creation has been disabled for users. Only moderators are able to create polls. This was done due to a number of issues we had with it. It should be implemented again at some point, but it's kind of taken a back seat to some more pressing issues.

If you REALLY need to put up a poll, I'd be happy to help you create it. We can change the author of the thread afterwards so that it will still be your thread. Mods will be able to do this as well, but you'll have to find one who has the time and is willing to go through the trouble 😛

Ok now someones messing with me does the quote command not work either? The hecks going on?

Quote appears to be working my end, did you try the reply to "my name" link?

I guess we could try the mods make the poll thing, I wanted to put Chrome and Safari as the two options (both seems irrelevant tbh)

no not reply quote theirs a specific command it's helpful when you're trying to quote specific things instead of the entire thing. Which just becomes this massive quote thread that's really unsightly. eh.

The actual quote command doesn't work. Reply achieves what you're after though
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