Hey, I need some help please with trying to identify whay causes the problem...
Lately Im having problems with my Chrome.
For some reason all the video playback stutters and get stuck, buffering every few seconds etc , but- only when played in fullscreen.
Happens in Youtube , Twitch , Fb ...
I was sure I had some problems with the internet related to the weather ( we did have issues with it ) .
But now ive seen that it streams videos fine as long as they are not full screen.
Then checked with Edge and all worked flawlessly.
Moreover , chrome didnt respond twice today with only 2 tabs open , and im pretty sure ive seen pc's cpu load going up to 90% for a second and then going back down.
( Pc shouldnt have this kind of issues , got 16gb of Ram with I5-4690 ).
Well , i will reinstall chrome for sure hopefully it'll help, yet my question is what could possibly make that happen , since I dont want this to happen again.
Using adblocker , league of legends twitch addon and thats it.
Thanks in advance guys ! 😀
Lately Im having problems with my Chrome.
For some reason all the video playback stutters and get stuck, buffering every few seconds etc , but- only when played in fullscreen.
Happens in Youtube , Twitch , Fb ...
I was sure I had some problems with the internet related to the weather ( we did have issues with it ) .
But now ive seen that it streams videos fine as long as they are not full screen.
Then checked with Edge and all worked flawlessly.
Moreover , chrome didnt respond twice today with only 2 tabs open , and im pretty sure ive seen pc's cpu load going up to 90% for a second and then going back down.
( Pc shouldnt have this kind of issues , got 16gb of Ram with I5-4690 ).
Well , i will reinstall chrome for sure hopefully it'll help, yet my question is what could possibly make that happen , since I dont want this to happen again.
Using adblocker , league of legends twitch addon and thats it.
Thanks in advance guys ! 😀