'Civilization 6' At E3, First Impressions

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Your comment on barbarians was awful, have you not been paying ANY attention?! Barbarians are completly different in Civ 6, they send out scouts looking for your cities and upon finding one they report back to the encampment which then regularly sends out large raiding parties to attack your cities (not to mention they are smarter, unlike you people).
On a closing note, I would also like to add that the one singular thing about the districts which is similar to Endless Legends is the fact they are called districts.
And what's this about The Great Pyramids not being in desert? (I do agree with the Stonehenge bit although I think you should need some stone somewhere in your empire.)
Scouts do not comprehensively change how barbarians act, though that was alluded to, the same dynamic took place previously with roving bands of barbarians.

The districts are fundamentally the same system, and called the same, though Civ cities end up more compact with pop not district oriented it seemed.

The Pyramids were built on what was lush farmland on the verdant Nile. Not a desert.
YEAH! Love Civ 5 - too many hours in that one. The beyond earth sucked in my opinion and I never got hooked like Civ 5. Love that we are coming back to Terra.
Well... If you consider that one game tile could easily be 100 miles wide if you compare it to the size of the globe for scale (assuming a medium size map is equal to the size of the earth's surface)
Were you able to find any hints about multiplayer? Civ5 non-lan multiplayer was completely broken for a couple of years.

And did you hear anything about mod support? Mods made Civ4 something truly special and it's still great today :)
On the issue of coastal cities, is there any kind of "port" district? For example, can a city that's close to the coast, but not directly on it actually gain benefits from the ocean this time around? This has always been a pet peeve of mine, that a city that's fully in range of the ocean, but not directly adjacent, can't properly benefit from coastal tiles or build ships; it would be nice if a coastal district could overcome at least the tile-usage side of things (e.g- allow a lighthouse to be built), even if ocean units still require a proper coastal city.
Sounds to me like the writers are Fans yes, but they don't really follow the series or truly play it. (bet steam profiles are void of achievements in the CIV series lol)
Nothing new emerged on multiplayer or modding during the showcase. Good question on the subject of coastal cities, but from what I saw, they appear to function as previously (with ships built from/in city) though it was tough to tell.

Sounds to me like the writers are Fans yes, but they don't really follow the series or truly play it.

Allow me to establish for you my Civ credentials. I've played, quite literally, all Civilization games that exist, and started with Civilization 1. Call To Powers, Alpha Centauri and expansion, as well as the abortive CivCity game. A previous game developer for one of the two spiritual successors to Microprose (Big Huge Games, Firaxis being the other), I've been an ardent follower of the series since loading it up in DOS in my early teens. I clocked at least 500+ hours in Civ2, and I still have Alpha Centauri installed right now, as well as Beyond Earth.

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