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Civilization 6: Spain Guide

Spain is truly set up for either a domination victory, or a religious one. Spain will focus mainly on keeping all of it's cities following the same religion, as well as getting a bonus when fighting other civilizations that aren't following the same religion.

Spain's Leader

Phillip II leads Spain, and his special ability is El Escorial. This ability provides Spain with two unique bonuses. The first grants any Spanish inquisitors to have one extra charge for removing heresy, in order to keep all of your cities following the one true faith. The other bonus is a flat +4 bonus to combat strength for all of your units when fighting other civilizations that are not following your religion.

Spain's Special Ability

Spain's special ability is Treasure Fleets. With this, any trade routes that are with cities on other continents will yield more than if you were trading with cities on your own continent. You can also combine naval units together into fleets.

Spain's Unique Unit

For a unique unit, the Spanish have the conquistadors. These units will replace musketmen for the Spanish. They will receive +10 Combat Strength when there is a Missionary, Inquisitor, or Apostle in the same hex as them. If this unit captures a city or is adjacent to a city when it is captured, the city will automatically adopt the Conquistador player's Religion as the dominant Religion. Even when your technology allows you to upgrade these guys to infantry, it's useful to keep at least a few of them around to help spread your religion when going to war.

Spain's Unique Building

Spain's workers can build a unique tile improvement called a Mission. This improvement will provide +1 faith, or +2 if on a different continent from your capital. It will also provide +1 science if built next to a campus, and +2 science once cultural heritage is researched. This building can help you to keep up to other civilizations science wise, while still providing you with a good amount of faith as well.

It can actually be quite beneficial when playing as Spain to work towards spreading your religion only in other civilizations you plan on remaining friends with for some time, and avoiding spreading it to other people who you plan on conquering by force, since doing so with your unique units will spread your faith as well.

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