Clean All command - recover

Abin Latheef

Sep 22, 2014
I had accidentally used the diskpart clean all command from the boot.I lost all my data.
I installed windows 10 OS on my PC. I've not stored much thereafter in my HDD. I want to recover my data.How can I do that?
Can I recover the files into the same HDD itself? Or use an external HDD to recover into it?
Which is the best software? way?.....And what is the best thing I could do now????
Please help.....
If you have critical stuff tehre, stop using it ASAP nad go to a professional service. If you don't, count your losses and forget about your data. Cleaning all partitions and repartitioning has put this above and beyond teh means of standard such software.
Clean all

oops...I need to recover my data.

You wiped out your boot drive in diskpart?
And you then installed a new OS on this same drive?
And you wish to recover the 'data' that was on there before all this?

1. No, you cannot recover onto the same drive. Not gonna happen.
2. You almost certainly cannot recover anything no matter what you personally do.
3. Maybe, at a large $$ cost...a data recovery company can maybe recover a few text files.

Why was this critical data not backed up?


I accidently clicked best solution..
