Clean install of Windows 7 in SSD


Nov 1, 2014
Hi guys. So, I've just bought an Asus K551LN. It comes with a 500 gb HDD + 24 GB SSD.

I am trying to do a clean install of Windows 7 on the SSD, but when I select that drive to install, It says Windows can't be installed there because of a GPT partition or something of sorts.

After some browsing, I found that the solution is to unplug the HDD, install Windows on the SSD and then plug the HDD back again.

My question is, is there any other way to install Windows on the SSD without removing any of the disks?

Thanks in advance!
First off, that 24GB SSD is far too small for the OS drive. Period.
It is not meant to be a standalone drive, but rather a cache drive for the HDD.

Trying to put the OS on that will not work well.

I see. What would the recommended size be for W7 to be installed on a SSD?

My minimum recommendation is a 120GB SSD.
Why? Because it is NEVER 'just Windows', as many claim to want to do.

Windows updates, and then your antivirus. And then a couple of system monitoring tools, browsers, maybe a small image editor. And then you also have to keep 10-15% free space on that drive.
A 64GB will fill up fast like that.

A 120GB (I have one as the boot drive) will hold the OS and most, if not all your applications. The current sweet spot for price vs size seems to be the 240/250GB range.

I guess I'll stick to the ExpressCache for now. Thanks a lot!