
Mar 3, 2004

Hello and G'day..I am wanting to do a clean install and put in OS XP Pro. I need literally step by step approach to do this..Obviously I have never done it..I know I need to back up all the programs and stuff I want to keep..Bu
t after that I do not know what to do..Can someone Please help? It would be so appreciated..........Donnea
It's really simple.

Once you've made your backups..

Put the Windows XP CD in your CD-ROM, turn the computer on. It's going to prompt you to press any key to boot to CD.

Once this happens, just follow the steps. Basically you're going to take the defaults and shouldn't need to do anything except pick a computer name and set the administrator password.

It's very very very simple. It takes about 30 minutes, of which maybe you need to sit there for 5 minutes answering questions and confirming it's what you want to do.

If you really need more details steps, you can do a google search on "how to install windows xp" and I'm sure you'll find screen shots and the like.
Before doing what riser suggested, I always like to write zeros to the drive and check it for errors before reinstalling. Nothing more aggravating than reinstalling an OS on a disk that already has problems. You can get this utility program from your drive manufacturer's website. After that, follow riser.