clean installing windows 10


Jul 19, 2013
Okay, so at the moment Im on windows 8.1 and Ive got like half a terabyte of stuff that i would like to keep before i upgrade.
My question is, can i partition my hard drive and move all my stuff onto that new partition THEN upgrade to windows 10 and move it all back to the primary partition? or better yet, just keep all that stuff in that partition for daily use?
Anything on a separate partition will not be effected by the windows install. You should be able to shrink the drive to create some free space in disk management.

I understand that all the programs will be gone, but what i want to keep is all my documents, pictures, videos, etc.
Could i put those on a separate partition and do a clean install of windows without having to worry about them getting deleted?

thank you, i was hoping i would be able to do that. do i create another partition? :chaudar: :chaudar:

Right click the windows icon go to disk management.
Right click the C: drive and hit shrink
Enter the size of the NEW partition. The amount to shrink by
Format new partition.

Remember you can't exceed 4 partitions. so if you have another partition then you should just extend that partition after you shrink the c drive

Thanks mate, appreciate the help