Clean windows 10 install graphics issue


Apr 20, 2017
I was having some issues so I decided to do a clean windows 10 install. Formatted the hard drives on installation. Everything went well until setup. I attached a picture of what it looks like. I can't finish the install since I can't see what happening.

I've tried 8 different monitors, cables, etc. I've tried 3 different video cards. The current cards are 2 Evga gtx 570s. I've tried redownloading the windows media installion drive on different flash drives. On boot up the screen is normal. Even the initializing windows screen is normal, but once it moves past it it goes blurry like that.

Any thoughts?
picture at:

lol. You did same as I did with image :)

Um, does monitor look like that on another PC? Does motherboard have onboard igpu you can test? I don't think the problem is the installer...

might help to only have 1 gpu in when you try to install.

There isn't an igpu. So I'm looking into the motherboard.
I didn't notice you said you checked 8 monitors or I wouldn't have said check it on another PC.

Did you try different outputs on gpu?
do you have latest BIOS on motherboard? it looks like the motherboard is likely to be cause.

Yea I tried different inputs. Moving the cards to different slots. I am starting to think the issue is in the bios/motherboard. I am getting errors when I try to update it. I will continue to try to update it today.
Updating the bios worked. I followed . Update worked and the screens are clear now.