Cleaned Drive through Diskpart, NO BOOT, NO CMD, NOTHING, HELP!!

Sep 19, 2018
So its a bit of a story, here goes:
I bought a desktop and it wasnt reformatted.
Step 1: Enter Win7 CD. - Would not let me select SSD - Had error message(forgot now) - Googled it and it instructed me to access CMD in windows start up, diskpart, select disk, clean, restart, install.
Step 2: Did instructions, installed it perfectly! Computer running Win7 and working fine
Step 3: Noticed in My Computer, my SSD drive, and my HDD which states 125GB when it should be 500.
I figured (stupid of me) that I can go into CMD, diskpart, clean that HDD drive to restart it to 500.
Step 4: Restarted it, there is NO display, no CMD, no blinking underscores, nothing. Absolutely Nothing

Things I have done to try to remedy:
- Restart BIOS by removing battery
- Restart with Win7 CD in cddrive
- Restart with Win7 USB in
- Restart with Win7 CD in External CD Drive via USB
- Constantly Pressing F10 / F12 / Del on start up hoping a screen would come up
- Unplugging different combinations of SSD/HDD hoping it would run off one of them
- Unplugging a HDD from another rig, plugging it into the current with no other SSD/HDD


Did I brick the RIG?

PC wont post, the monitor light just keeps blinking, the monitor doesnt even display a black screen, it doesnt even turn on so the PC isnt even transmitting anything.

literally NOTHING displaying on the screen 🙁

Its a custom rig, as for how old it is I cant really tell you.
But it is an i7-4700 with a gigabyte z87x mobo
The PC doesn't boot because Diskpart removed the partitions. Disconnect everything but the SSD and re-install Windows. Re-connect the 500GB hard drive after Windows is finished installing. Use Disk Management to initialize the 500GB drive and to assign a drive letter.

I have tried this route already, along with many other routes I wrote in actions I tried to remedy.
Ive even used a HDD from another computer and disconnected the current 2 SSD/HDD and it still didnt load.