cleaned my pc now it wont connect to my monitors


Jul 26, 2016
Cleaned my PC today, first time in probably 6 months, when I set it all back up and plugged everything in it worked fine. Windows login screen came up, but when I went to type in my password nothing happen so I tried to move the mouse to make sure it was selected the mouse didn't work either, I have two monitors so I tried switching between them and it still didn't work, I tried unplugging and rep lugging USBs and restarting it and now my monitors say no input. Also at first pushing the power button would turn it on but the LED wouldn't come on, and holding down the power button wouldn't turn it off. Now the LED comes on but it still won't turn of from the power button.
I've taken it completely apart even took the cpu out and took the mother board out, checked everything, turned it on without ram in, switched the ram placement, tried unplugging everything and holding down the power button for 30 seconds, pulling out the little battery in the motherboard for 15 seconds. I'm worried my motherboard might need to be replaced, but I don't know what could have happened to it, it worked fine before I cleaned it.
bought a new motherboard, that seemed to have been the problem, everything is working fine now, i'm assuming i must have fried it with static electricity since i wasn't wearing a discharger or anything.