Cleaning Solution for heatsink


Aug 8, 2016
I don't have access to anyplace that sell Isopropyl alcohol but i do have access to Ethanol 90%. Am I able to clean the thermal paste off the CPU and the Heatsink... Or is it just another bad idea.


P.S also can the Ethanol be used to clean other electronics and peripherals that I have such as the keyboard, monitor (possible a bad idea as it has anti-glare but idk), etc of dust and other things
You don't really need alcohol at all to clean up thermal compound. A lint free cloth will get most of it (or heavy duty paper towel, even cotton balls or swabs). Only baked on stubborn thermal compound needs some sort of solvent to remove.

I've actually found that my second application of thermal compound to a device usually performs better. I assume this is due to some of the thermal interface material staying in the fine grooves of the heatsink and/or heat spreader.
I don't see a problem with using it instead of isopropyl alcohol. Both are alcohols, ispopropyl just happens to be a little cheaper. Ethanol is commonly used as a solvent in many industries and since it is distilled the other 10% is distilled water.

I probably wouldn't clean my peripherals with it. I tend to use water and a tiny bit of soap for cleaning my monitor.
You don't really need alcohol at all to clean up thermal compound. A lint free cloth will get most of it (or heavy duty paper towel, even cotton balls or swabs). Only baked on stubborn thermal compound needs some sort of solvent to remove.

I've actually found that my second application of thermal compound to a device usually performs better. I assume this is due to some of the thermal interface material staying in the fine grooves of the heatsink and/or heat spreader.