I've never hurt a PC by blowing air on it whether from an air can, compressed air tank, vacuum etc...and I do it pretty often.
As far as static....what I could see MAYBE causing a static issue are the brush bristles from a vacuum...so I wouldn't be rubbing them on electronics.
...and another thing is...don't overestimate the effects of dust and dirt.
I have lots of electronic equipment that runs in a filthy plant all day 24/7 and dirt doesn't cause me a lot of problems.
I've had motherboards and circuit boards with 1/8"-1/4" of oil soaked dust and dirt on them to the point where you couldn't even see any part of the motherboard and they still worked and have been running 10 years 24/7.
So my point it....don't get real picky with a little dust.
You might cause yourself a problem if you....lets say....drop something on the MB and damage it while you are cleaning it....when it didn't really need to be cleaned.