Clerk dropped my CPU!!!!!


May 4, 2013
Hey guys this is my very first post. I wish it didn't have to be about this topic but on Wednesday I went to a local computer shop, Sonic Computers here in Washington state, and was looking to buy a new motherboard, ram, and PSU for a CPU my friend had sold me. The CPU is a Phenom II x6 1055t. Well first I had my cpu sitting on the counter and he "accidentally" pushed it off the counter onto the floor but the cpu was in a plastic enclosure with small foam pad on pin side. Then like only two mins later as he was bagging my stuff he dropped the cpu off the counter again but this time the cpu came OUT of the plastic casing and fell pin side onto the floor. I was like WTF!! But few pins bent and he bent them back in place and said it would be fine. I disagreed so he said the only other AM3 processor he had was his tech's Phenom II x4 965 Black edition, which the tech uses to test boards. Now I just wanted to get some feed back from people that know more about CPUs then myself. I am not too experienced but know more than the average person. Oh and by the way after testing the x6 1055t it now shows core temps at like 18C and I feel like that is way too cold. I do have an Arctic Freezer Pro 64 but feel like that is WAY too low. N all the cores other than core #0 keep idling atleast 2700mhz going between 2600 and 2800. Core 0 idles at 800mhz. Thank You in advance, if someone can PLZ get back to me soon I need to resolve this with this guy and store before he just says its been too long and I'm SOL.
I would ask for a new CPU. The fact that it fell and pins were bent I would not accept him bending them back. There could be issues now. If he's not willing to give you a new CPU you should try talking to someone else. That's really poor customerservservice.
Your best soulution is send a nicely worded demand letter for a brand new CPU to replace the one the store clerk bent the pins on. I done face palm stuff in years working with people stuff. I left laptop battery in a unit once and smoked the system board. I sent that unit to the vendor at my cost and had it repaired. Then refunded the customer his diag charge for my screw up. If the wont replace your CPU then file small claims case. Just don't be gready. Just get a new sealed CPU.
Next time, don't leave the store until he replaces it.

Now that you have left and are going to return, it is easier for him to say it was something you did after you got it home. But since that is not an option, start by asking nicely for a replacement because the CPU appears defective. It would be great if you could get it in writing or recorded somehow where he admits to dropping it in the event you need to pursue tougher measures later. But start by asking nicely, then ratchet up the pressure if he is uncooperative. In the end, if nothing is resolved, you can go on online and write about your experience so hopefully it impacts his business. Be nice and you should have the best luck.
Couple of things here. AMD's tend to run at full speed (1055T full speed is 2.8 GHZ stock) even with the BIOS set to power saving mode (read: downclocking.) The fix is really easy. First, make sure your power settings are set to allow the CPU to lower it's speed (I forget the AMD term, I think Intel calls this Speed Step. Use google to figure it out) second is download AMD OverDrive, installl and launch it. You'll see a circle in the upper right corner and it should have a red outer line. Click it and it should turn green and your machine's cores will power down.

Also the 1055T's were known not to be very accurate temperature wise at low temps. If you have your power settings set to let the CPU idle at, say 800 Mhz, hitting that low temp is very possible. Especially if you have a great cooler and a cooler environment.

Bent pins? Umm, I don't think that makes a difference as far as how usable the CPU is as long as they were bent back correctly and it fits in your socket. Broken pins, those matter. If you really are desperate, RMA the chip to AMD. Tell them what happened and provide all the information. AMD3 is kind of dated and I know that that some of the 1055T's are out of warranty now (release day ones, at least. I know, I have one.)

Last: Good Luck!
Exactly as the guys above said. Go in there cool calm and collected and state that the CPU is not functioning properly. Bring screen shots of the one core sitting at 800 mhz and the odd temps. All of my phenom II's read just fine so that is def odd. Just state your case decently and request a new in box sealed CPU. If they do not want to cooperate state that you will be left with no other option to file in small claims and subpoena the shop video as evidence, that ought to light a fire under his a** 😉
Thanks for all the feedback guys.[guys and girls :)] Yea the last convo I had with the guy he told me he would give me a brand new FX 4100 or 6100 so I said ok cool I'll take the 6100. But THEN he says I have to PAY for them. That he would give them, either or, to me for cost, so Like over a hundred dollars!!!
To let the op know the store warranty or posted sign don't come into play as the store damaged your personal property. Look online to your state laws on personal property claims and the time you have to file. But for any good suit and info send a reg letter to the store gm and to the corp offices. Keep in the folder the names of people you speak with. If you do go to the store and talk to the gm they may ask you to leave. ( strong arm tactic ) don't start a fight just be calm walk out.
So am I understanding, according to "nosupport4u"'s reply that everything is fine....Like should I take the Phenom II x4 965 Black Edition, but he wants to keep my original and I don't feel like that is a fair trade. A four core for a six core. I understand it is old but I told him I'm not trying to take advantage or anything but I want to be compensated with equal Atleast, not downgrade when it wasn't my fault in any way....And this is a local store, not corporate or anything,m I believe it is their only store. Also the guy that dropped it is the SON of the OWNER, but he told me his dad makes all the final decision's and is the main manager, BUT his dad is overseas in Pakistan and WONT be back til July......I'm suppose to go there on Monday but wanted to get advice before I went in....
Just wanted to post a little update...The CPU seems to have more problems then I thought. I have ran tests with Prime95 and when I do according to CPU-Z core#0 stays at 800mhz even under full load and like I had said before the other five cores stay around 2700mhz no matter whether its idling or running at full load. The weird thing is when I open task manager under idle it shows no activity on all six cores and during full load, or testing with Prime95, it shows 100% usage for all six cores, even core #0. Also my friend told me he had been able to overclock before, upto 3.5gh, without a hiccup but now if I overclock it to even like 3.1ghz it wont boot into windows and I get a blue screen of winows saying its trying to protect my machine by shutting down. It just seems weird to me that it would act like this, like after being dropped wouldnt it either completely not work or still work fine. Is it possible that after being dropped a CPU can have "weird" symptoms like this??
P.S. -and to "nosupport4u" I did download AMD overdrive and the circle was already green, clicked it and it went to being red so clicked it back to being green, and still same prob with five cores running at full speed....
Hmm, I would cut out the middle man and contact AMD about this. They should be able to give you special dispensation and RMA it for you. As for the place you bought it, unless someone else saw it happen or you have it on video or something, it's your word vs. the business. The best things you could do are 1) File a complaint with the BBB. 2) Contact your states department of Consumer Affairs and let them know what is happening. Normally those 2 actions are enough to make a business back down and exchange it for you. If they don't, go the RMA way and move on.

Also, I just want to know, are you overclocking this one the same motherboard as your friend had it in, or are you doing it on a completely different setup? Lastly, have you check the make sure you have the most current BIOS? Sometimes (and it's rare) It'll have issues or just be a bad flash. Considering you've already voided your warranty by overclocking it at all (and if you bought it second hand, there is no warranty, but it's not like AMD asks you to register it.) Also if the CPU itself is in perfect condition (no bent pins or cracked pins, which shouldn't be since you installed it into the motherboard and have been using it) just start the RMA process. I don't think or know if they can tell if you've OC'd it.

In the end, GOOD LUCK! And sorry for the headaches.

BTW, 1055T is better than the 6100. That was Bulldozer based, and it's widely known the Phenom II's were better, in most cases.
Thanks for replying...Sorry I guess I should have included my whole setup in the original post...I have the cpu in an Asus M5A97 LE R2.0 that I bought the day the guy dropped the cpu, from his store 🙁.
To: "nosupport4u" -
It's BIOS is not the most recent one but up-to-date from Jan 2013, and for that reason I decided not to risk a bad flash and left it alone. I also have one stick of Corsair Vengeance 4gb 1600 ram, and a Freezer Pro 64 for cooling, I know its pretty old. Yes, to be honest, I did try to overclock it, but not to extremes or anything and I kinda was trying to test it for stability that way since I know my friend had already been able to over clock it by almost an extra 1ghz. And no he did not use the same board he used a different motherboard, but even though I know my setup is not the best, his motherboard, cooler, and ram were not as good as the one's I'm using. I'm not sure exactly which products he used but he told me briefly they were older and lower midrange stuff, I know my motherboard isn't all that great either but he told me I should be able to get to 3.5ghz if I tried and did it correctly. Thanks for all the help I really appreciate even a reply back. I am SO stressed out by this, I have been without a 100% working comp for almost a week and take classes online so it's been killing me. Thanks Again.
Oh and sorry but can you give me advice if the x6 keeps giving me problems and stays unstable should I take the Phenom x4 965 Black Edition, I would have to let him keep my x6 though, or should I go the way of the rma. I just need a quick solution since I need a computer for school, I have online classes so this is Really screwing me up. Please advise on whether I should take the x4...
Sorry, and yes my friend that sold me the 1055t also stated that it was better than the 6100, so if they do finally agree to replace it what is a fair trade?? I'm not trying to take advantage I just wanted to be compensated fairly and not have to downgrade for something I did not do....
Try going the way of an RMA. In the meantime you can pick up a really cheap Athlon II X2 dual core for almost nothing, if you need a functional PC for school (let's face it, RMA's are never really high priority.) I think Newegg has one for $57, or you can limp along with a Sempron 125 (I think it's single core 2.8 Ghz) Also, I can't stress this enough, part of overclocking in chance. Just because your friend got it pretty high on his gear doesn't guarantee you can get anywhere near that on your gear. Case in point: I had a older 890GPA-UD3H motherboard and got my 1055T to 4 GHz, stable, and max temp of 53 C (Don't believe me? Check the CPU-Z snapshot:
But getting it at those settings on my friends board, which was the same model, just a newer revision, was impossible. Mine was a rev 1.0 and his was the newer version with AM3+. My point is, it could just be luck of the draw. I say get a cheap-o CPU and swap it out, then RMA that 1055T. Don't get too specific about details, just say it's got a core that isn't running at full speed, yadda yadda yadda. They MIGHT ask for a receipt, but that's a long shot.

Good Luck!