Yes I hope they actually make it. So tired of generic on-tails military style shooters that just copy cat each other. BF is the only one of the lot that can really be called different due to it's focus on large battlefields and vehicle combat vs CoD run & gun.
To the younger crowd who may now know what we're referring to. Doom, Quake, Unreal and even Serious Sam are all old school arena shooters. Load up an old copy of them and take notice of the different pace, tactics, style and feel.
Nice. It has been a long time and it would be nice to have a fresh fast paced shooter. One without DLC nonsense and hold-your-hand waypoints splattered all over.
I love moping the floor of all the younger members of the family who talk a lot of smack until their "old" Uncle pulls out the old school FPS skills. They don't get where they came from until I load up an old copy of UT on their machines and show them the ropes. Don't get me wrong I love all the new arcade/sim military titles, but there is something about going on a rampage with a shock rifle or flak cannon.
I love moping the floor of all the younger members of the family who talk a lot of smack until their "old" Uncle pulls out the old school FPS skills. They don't get where they came from until I load up an old copy of UT on their machines and show them the ropes. Don't get me wrong I love all the new arcade/sim military titles, but there is something about going on a rampage with a shock rifle or flak cannon.
Drop them in front of the screen and have them fight Xan on the last level. Assuming you kicked a$$ throughout the game it should be a particularly insane fight for them to deal with.
About time , I miss the Unreal Tournament games, better weapons and game play over BF or COD
That's completely personal preference. I liked UT, but it's not my cup of tea at all, and I think Battlefield games are much better game play wise from my own perspective. They are both totally different beasts entirely though, not sure it's even wise to compare the two in the first place.
And the kids taste the glory days and pass on it... I don't think it will sell well, because the market has changed so much. The only way it would be successful is to have a really unique twist or game modes beyond just 'deathmatch'
UT and UT2003 were games I play A LOT and UT was the first game I ever experienced in glorious 60 FPS when I upgraded to a RIVA TNT card :O
that being said, going back and playing a game like that, I might not like it, even if I have part of the nostalgia effect in
Fortunately, CB understands his market and how to sell a product, but I don't know if he REALLY knows the market is there for it. I guess we will see... Maybe if he makes it Free to Play like CS it will get a strong foothold and he will be successful
I just hope we get light guns and surround screens finally. It is at an affordable price. Under $US2k. I want a real gun just modified. I want ammo clips and no more mouse B.S.
Give me what i want please for the love of god. I have been hankering for this for so long.
Also want an arcade BF4 where you can run and roll in a virtual combat arena. Id pay $10 per hr on an arcade for something like that. I want steps to appear and walls to appear and stuff like that.
A return to arena style games? Sounds like fun!
I miss games like UT2K4 (and previous) where there was such a huge selection of weapons, vehicles, environments, and mods to work with. And that ragdoll physics that always ended up with a dead character flying across the map rather than just crumpling to the floor. It is the unpredictability of the game which always made it interesting and exciting and could hold my attention. Modern grey/brown shooters are interesting in their own right, but they get formulaic very quickly.
I kinda miss the UT series.... no one seems to play it anymore... sad... would be "EPIC" to have a new one reborn and mod-capable.
There are a few of us old farts that still play. One of the old clans, Co30, resurrected a U2K4 server (DM server) for the holiday season. I was playing there last night, it's still a blast.
sadsteve, you do realize you just cost me 4 hours of work today because now I have to go home and dig out my install media. Im a consultant and can't afford to be doing things like this around Christmas, so I will be circlestrafing you specifically tonight to clear my conscience.
isnt this the guy who said all pc gamers are thieves? i stopped buying epic games because of him specifically and now he wants back in on the pc?
lets hope the masses have less memory them me because i dont like the way he talked about pc gamers. and it is a major problem when someone as high profile as him does that crap.
A new "non-violent" arena game like Nerf Arena Blast would be great. I spent hours playing it with two of my children when they were teenagers. The weapons were very cool.