[SOLVED] Clock Not Keeping Time


Jan 8, 2020
I have an ASUS S500 running the latest version of Win10. For about the past month or so the clock has not been keeping the correct time. The amount it's off by varies, but it's always behind by hours. I have a paid version of Trend Micro on it and a full scan comes up clean. I've changed the CMOS battery.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

FWIW, add to your tool bag a simple multimeter.
It can test batteries such as the cr2032 or others.
I am constantly using one to confirm that my tv remote or car opener batteries are below spec before replacing.
How is system configured for "time"?

Are you entering the time (actually date and time) manually or is the system going out on the internet to synchronize the system clocks with some third party website?

Depending on the site location, the date could be correct but the time is "incorrect" by some number of hours.


"WIN" + "I" > Time & Language" > Date & Time

Check overall configuration - including "Sync now"

Lastly: also consider that the new CMOS battery is defective and not able to provide the necessary power to save settings. Likely that there would be other problems if that were indeed the case. Any other problems or issues? Even if they seem random....
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Thanks for your quick response! The laptop is set to automatically sync. I've triple-checked the time zone settings and they are always correct. I reset the clock by using the "Sync now."

I hadn't considered that the CMOS battery may be defective. Thanks for that suggestion. I'll buy another and swap it out.

I haven't noticed any other problems or issues, but I'll keep an eye out.