Clone Windows 11 to new Drive


Aug 31, 2016
I'm sure there are tons of other threads similar to this one, so my apologies - but I have a specific use case that simple searching isn't providing me the answer for.

I have to upgrade my SSD that Windows is installed on, simply due to space issues. I don't have any room in my system to install the new SSD along side my old one, so what I need to do (if possible) is:

  1. Create a complete image of my entire installation for Windows 11, including all installed software etc (music production PC, so this is really important as re-installing everything is a nightmare).
  2. Remove old SSD, install new one with no Windows on it.
  3. Create installation media onto external drive to install fresh windows 11
  4. Restore image of the previous installation of Windows 11
Is this possible? Specifically points 1 and 4, as I know you can use an external as an installation media as I have one that many times before.

Thanks in advance.

What type of drive(s)?

Yes, this is possible. You do it with an Image, rather than Clone.

1x m.2 slot with an Image

Assuming you have another drive (any type of drive) with sufficient free space to hold the entirety of your current m.2 drive:

1. Download and install Macrium Reflect
2. Run that, and create a Rescue CD or USB (you'll use this later). "Other Tasks". Create this on a small USB flash drive or DVD.
3. In the Macrium client, create an Image to some other drive. External USB HDD, maybe. Select all partitions. This results in a file of xxxx.mrimage
4. When done, power OFF.
5. Swap the 2 drives
6. Boot up from the Rescue USB you created earlier.
7. Restore (on the toolbar), and tell it where the Image is that you created in step 3, and which drive to apply it to...the new m.2
8. Go, and wait until it finishes.
9. That's all...this should work.
Thank you for the extremely quick answer.

The new SSD I've ordered is:

The external I'm using is just a really old mechanical drive, but the purpose of it would simply be to use as the windows 11 installation media.

I presume the image wouldn't have to be "installed" on a hard drive in between? EG: it can sit on one of my other drives as an image and not completely wipe that drive?
Cloning/Imaging is totally incompatible with a fresh OS install.

One or the other.

You can do a fresh OS install on the new drive.
And then reinstall all your drivers and applications.

Or, you can do the above Imaging thing, and have your existing OS install, and everything else on that drive, on the new drive.