Closed back headphones with detachable cabe

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Oct 23, 2016
Title says it all!
Originally i was looking at the beyerdynamic dt 770 pro 32 ohm but the only downside is that the cable is not detachable.
My price range is from 100-170 USD
I will be using these headphones with an astro mixamp pro tr so keep the ohm between 32-50 ohms
Thank you!
Heyo Dropment

Maybe the Takstar Pro 82 would do the job. Great pair of headphones with detachable 2.5mm cable.
I've used the DT770's myself and loved them, but as you said the darn cable is not detachable. I went and made it though. If you're keen on that, then I'd say stick with the DT770's and just make a detachable connection along the cable.

Question from Dropment : "Closed back headphones for pc gaming"

I am looking for a pair of closed back headphones to use with my astro mixamo pro. The mixamp is good for 30-50 ohms but it said 70w per 32 ohm channel. I was looking at the beyerdynamic dt 770 pro but it doesn’t not have a detachable cable if it breaks I have to buy a new pair
Heyo Dropment

Maybe the Takstar Pro 82 would do the job. Great pair of headphones with detachable 2.5mm cable.
I've used the DT770's myself and loved them, but as you said the darn cable is not detachable. I went and made it though. If you're keen on that, then I'd say stick with the DT770's and just make a detachable connection along the cable.

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