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[strike]hello, im looking to upgrade my gpu in one of my rigs and am looking for a very nice card such as a 980 or 980ti. a 780ti, a titan, or amd cards such as a fury or maybe even a 290/390x. below are the prices for each i would like to keep the cards under.

980ti under 300
980 under 250
780 ti under 175
titan x under 400
titan under 250
290(x) under 150
390(x) under 200
fury x under 300

if you are willing to trade I have a firepro s7000(w7000) with a moded cooler and vbios. a 220 gig ocz revodrive x2. a r9 280x.
and a dell r900 server (if you are in the Denver Colorado area) i will add cash to equal value.[/strike]

i just got a 980 ti
As politely as I can possibly say, your prices are absurd. I paid $575 for my evga gtx 980 4gb sc acx 2.0 less than four months ago. There's zero chance I'd sell it for less than $400. They're still selling for 500 now even with new cards on the market.

Personally, you should lower your expectations, or raise your funds a bit. I'd sell you what I've got no problem, just not at that price. Please don't take this as rude, the internet makes it hard to tell tone; I'm genuinely just sharing my opinion :)

Good luck to you

i might have put this thread out abit early i was going to wait for the new gpus to drop the prices of the old one by abit but that hasnt quite happened as the rx 480 will come out soon and the 1070 non fe cards will come out. some of the prices are abit of and i know that but these are what i would like to get the cards for. for example a titan x under 400 probably wont happen however i dont really want to pay more than 400 as i could pick up a new 1070 with warranty for sup 400 at one point. some of the other prices arnt that far off i have seen many people sell and buy 290 and 390s for sup 200 and someone was selling a 980 ti kingpin for sub 400 the other day.

Sure, in a few months time, things will drop a bit, but some of those prices are still a bit dramatic. Though, the guys selling 980 tis for under 400 on eBay and the likes are a bit suspicious in my opinion. A new 980 ti will still be 550+, and the 980 sc around 425 even after the market settles with the new cards. Also, unless you're a hardcore video editor or 3d model renderer, you don't want a titan.

ebay prices will be very inflated as you still have people buying cards not aware that the 1070 or 1080 exist they also have close to a 10% markup from the value of the used card due to seller fees ect. the prices i get are looking at people selling their cards on fourms where everyone knows how much the card is worth. and i would take a titan x just for the extra vram. currently i am looking at a trade from my 280x and some cash to get the titan but i dont think that will go through as the person seems fairly inactive.

The 9xx series got official price cuts yesterday. The 980 Ti is now ~$450 retail.

$420 after the rebate.,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

I have a 980 Ti for sale but I was asking a little more than you are offering. PM sent.
I'd honestly wait about a week or so till the 8gb RX 480 comes out and get that, it's what I'm finally going to upgrade my lacking gtx 660 from. Not many seemed to acknowledge it, but the 660 and 660ti could only used 1.5gb of their 2gb vram quickly, same problem as the whole gtx 970 fiasco. At 200 bucks, the RX 480 seems amazing for the price, My friend has an r9 390, which is essentially what the rx 480 will be, maybe 480 a little better, and Warframe looks REAL on his 720p tv on true ultra settings compared to my mid settings 1080p on my asus 1080p monitor.

I could of course drop to 720 myself, but scalers in monitors are notoriously bad and make stuff look like crap on lower resolutions

yea that will be what I go with if i cant find a card here. however I think the rx 480 will lack in the performance i need to drive 3 monitors on any game. neither my r9 280x (overclocked) or my s7000 (HEAVILY overclocked abit faster than the 280x) are able to run ark with any real performance. and I would go with a 1070 but I dont like the price, I dont like buying new nvidia cards, and they have very little overclocking headroom. it would be great if amd droped the rx 490x soon but that probably wont happen so my best bet is to try to find a used beast.

The used price on GTX 980 is now around $275-$325 and usually at closer to $300.
I check several forums a day and can get multiple cards at will in this range.

Still seeing 980 ti's occasionally $350 $375
have a gently used 980 that I am selling right now... $290 plus shipping is asking... won't go lower on a card that still retails for 30% more after I bought @ $600
Yeah, that's definitely the issue. Waiting too long to sell your current setup can result in horribly low returns. I have multiple random cards in my shop that I use in the meantime while waiting on releases, post selling my current setup.

I sold my first R9 290 some months back for $350 on craigslist. Then some weeks ago sold my second 290 for $210 + a 7870 that the guy included to shave $20 off my asking price. The 7870 was my proxy until I get a hold of my 1080 which performs better at 4K than my 290's did, and provides and infinitely better experience at 1440p, which is what I play at daily.

Regardless, you can get a brand new 980 for around $350-370 let alone used.

yea i was looking at a new 980ti for like 380 the other day but i would rather get a used one for cheaper. sadly many people dont want to sell one, i would think the people who have one in excess would be abundant but i guess im wrong.

I think 290 is a fair asking price for my GTX 980 SC... up to you though :)


just to let you know its against the fourm rules to post offers in the threads. all negotiation must be in pm. as for the price its not bad but a rx 480 is said to match its performance and it cost 200. thats the reason my max is 250 for that card

Apologies didn't know that about offers in thread. Thank you. I've only traded here once or twice over the years.

I hear you on the 480, and I do hope it plays out well for amd. I just don't trust their cards myself after two of three radeon 7970s came with defects and then burned out within 2 years right as warranty was up... cheers mate


yea 7970s had some reliability issues. however i prefer amd cards over nvidia. i currently love my amd s7000 but it just dosnthave the power for what i need
With the RX 480 about to launch at $200-$229 I wouldn't even pay $200 for a used 390X. The 480 will be slightly slower ( so far it looks like the 480 will fall between the 390 and 390X in benchmarks ) than the 390X at stock speeds but only a little and hopefully the 14nm process will allow for decent overclocking. And a new card gets a warranty.

yea... i will be EXTREMLY disappointed if newegg or other companies price gouge at the beginning because i think im going to order the 8 gig card as soon as it drops if no one sells me a dang 980 ti. as for the warranty i will void that so quick throwing aio watercooler on it the second i get the card
Heh, if you want to wait until the 1080 Ti comes out I'll give you a deal on my 980 Ti. 😛 I'm guessing not though.
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