Cloudflare Discloses Four-Year Fight Against Unconstutional National Security Letter And Gag Order

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30GDY, the FBI is pretty much throwing their weight around. Since they don't need to go through a judge to get the NSLs out they just give em out to make sure the companies don't go public. Kinda like a big brother doing something to a younger brother but telling them they will hurt them worse if they tell. In other words they are putting NSLs out and a gag order to keep the ones they gave out illegally under the cover of a "gag order".
This'll only get better with Donald (duck) as POTUS! The US should really get the "Ombudsman"a system going.... Anonymous serving of justice isn't justice! If justice is juste, it's public. Otherwise it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

I'm not sure you understand what I posted, you've just explained a concept I fully understand and am against. Cops shouldn't be able to do this. I praised Tom's for writing about it and people apparently have a problem with that, LMFAO.
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