club3d hd7870xt 88c to 90c temperature is safe while play watch dogs ultra setting


May 31, 2014
Hi sir I'm aligamer, and I'm writing here because i'm about to build a liquid cooling system for my home rig. Since there is no waterblock which covers the power supply regulators (always pretty hot on my card) and since my VTX3D seems completely addicted to her 88 celsius degrees under load, i decided to project and build my own waterblock, with a unique water flow and mosfet covering.

Project is already on the road, and I just ordered some laser cut plexiglass pieces to an online shop.
we will get into the project steps in the next days.
If you have any question or curiosity feel free to start asking, I will be glad to
Your 7870 is definitely faulty if it runs that hot, unless your computer is full of dust or the fans run very slowly, or you overclocked a lot.