Cm storm trooper setup


Jul 11, 2017
Hello everyone

I wanted to ask tht currently i have a cm storm trooper casing with 2 stock fans at the front an h55 rad at the back and a 200mm stock fan at the top with gigabyte gtx 970 extreme which is 41° idle in summers and 28° idle in winters. I am upgrading my cooling system as i will put h115i rad at the top and 2× corsair ml 120mm at the front, the stock fans will be intakes from the bottom and a 140mm stock fan at the back.

My question is that is this setup workable? As i dont do overclocking but i might cuz i like my system to be capable for everything once i get 1080 ti.

What if i take out the ssd panel from the bottom, is there gonna be enough space for two 120mm ?

Im.just using stock fans at the moment so i thought this would be effective. Plus im using the window chasi with the plastic transparent window id say so cant have side air flow. Another question is that the corsair 115i is should be an exhaust right?