CMOS battery type?


Apr 16, 2013
Hey if you guys read my past post about my computer turning on and then off instantly someone suggested it was the CMOS battery. Now do I need a certain type of CMOS battery or can I get one off amazon? If so, give me a link to a good CMOS battery.
No I don't understand what's happening, my big brother who put together the PC can't help he's in the Navy now. In California. The PC just turns on and turns off right away do you guys have any idea of what happened? The day before the computer was working perfectly then the next day I did not use it at all then the day after that day I found it like this.

take it slow and explain exactly what is happening.

if you power on the computer... does it load into windows? does it start to power on then turn off then power on... endlessly? Does it load into windows then crash and reboot automatically with a blue screen? does it crash out of windows and turn off like you pulled the power plug? does it crash out of windows and reboot without a blue screen, just straight black screen?

describe it carefully and fully, we'll help you figure out what's happening

-while you're at it please include a list of what's in the pc. cpu, motherboard, ram, hard drive, video card, power supply... make and models of everything. if it's simply a prebuilt one just tell us the make/model/service code
The PC does not boot windows or bios or anything. It just turns on, and instantly turns right off. The screen is just straight black while this all happens. I'll list some of my specs, I'm not sure what motherboard I have though.
CPU: AMD Fx 6300 3.5Ghz
GPU: MSI Radeon 7770
PSU: Corsair CX750
RAM: 8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3
All I know about my motherboard is it's a Gigabyte one.

Edit: The motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-78LMT-S2P. Please help!!
ok. some suggestions to try

1) unplug the system. let it sit without power for an hour or so, then plug it back in. see if it boots
2) clr_cmos. Set the jumper, pull the plug, pull the cmos battery out, wait a few minutes, put the battery back in, set the jumper back and plug the pc in
3) pull out the gpu, and then put it back in. pull out the ram and put it back in
4) breadboard the pc (look it up, it's pretty self explanatory)
5) test the ram, one stick at a time. in each slot.

Those didn't work, they're in the checklist. I showed my big bro the video and he believes it may be the power supply and since I still have warranty on the power supply I'll get a replacement to see if that helps.