Hello, I own NTB Siemens Nixdorf PCD-4ND with Windows 95 and the Phoenix BIOS 1.03, which is password protected by an unknown password. I want to use to clear CMOS CMOSPWD / K. But I do not know what will happen after entering this command to follow. I read that this notebook may not be used. But stránkácCMOSPWD products writes a Michael that NTB Siemens Nixdorf PCD-4ND with Phoenix 1.03 it works. I have a few questions: After clearing the CMOS command CMOSPWD / K and subsequent restart, the default BIOS settings? Then opens the screen with the Windows 95 logo, or I'll have something to set it up? Possible before entering CMOSPWD / K current BIOS settings back? Thank you in advance for your answers. Martin Baroch.